Monday, September 16, 2024

Magic - Animated GIF - Worse Than Imagined


(Fair warning - this is one of the darkest things I've written in a while...)

"Promise me you'll look after her...promise me..." Nick recalled his sister, Sharon, saying soon before she died of cancer. The "her" in this case was his 18 year-old niece Gracie.

"I promise," Nick replied. He'd do anything for his big sister...and he had long been suspicious of his brother-in-law/Gracie's step-dad, Chad. He always hovered around when anyone else talked to Sharon or Gracie, listened in on phone calls, kept track of their online activity... It was very suspicious, but Nick couldn't prove that Chad was doing anything malicious. 

He called Gracie a few times a week and visited every weekend, but she was always under the watchful glare of Chad. One weekend, while sitting in their living room, Chad saw a kid on a bike scrape his truck parked int he driveway. "HEY YOU LITTLE SHIT! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE! ..." he shouted as he ran out of the room after the kid.

"Uncle Nick, you have to me please...get me out of here..." Gracie took the chance to beg Nick.

"What's happening? What's he doing? Of course I'll help, just tell me..." Nick began to ask, leaning toward Gracie. She quickly pulled a syringe from her sleeve - a powerful painkiller Nick recognized as being Sharon's from when she went on hospice. Gracie must have nicked it from the nurse. "What is..." he began to ask, but she quickly stuck him in the thigh and injected half of it. "Gracie! Wh...what...wuhhh..." He collapsed back, the last thing he could remember seeing was Gracie standing over him, saying something in a language he didn't recognize, making odd motions with her hands similar to sign language. Just before everything went black, he saw her inject herself with the rest of the syringe...

"Oh my sweet baby, are you ok?" he awoke to Chad talking to him. "That druggie uncle of yours...stealing your mom's medicine...we'll never see him again, that's for sure. Shooting you up with that stuff... I enjoyed literally tossing him out on his ass..."

Nick blinked a few times as the haze lifted. He was in Gracie's Gracie's bed...then he looked down to see that he was in Gracie's body. The lingering effects of the drug dulled his panic, but he still tried to kick away from Chad and get up.

"Shh, shh, let it pass," Chad consoled him. "Here, I'll get you some water."

As Chad left the room, Nick jumped up, heart racing and head pounding. On the night stand he saw a partially hidden piece of paper with "Nick" written on it. With a trembling hand, he picked up to read it:

"Uncle Nick - I'm so sorry I have to do this. Chad has been abusing my mom for years. She couldn't leave, because he threatened to hurt me if she did. Now that she's gone, he's been doing it to me. I can't take it. After he took my phone, I started reading mom's old books to pass the time. She had one on the occult and it had this spell in it... I'm sorry I had to do it, but I had to get out. You said you'd do anything for me. Maybe you can find a way to get away from him... Gracie"

Nick, in shock for several reasons, dropped the note to the floor moments before Chad returned. "Get away...get away..." he said as he jumped up, pressing himself to the wall as he thought about a way to escape.

"Baby girl, I thought we were past this..." Chad said as he set the drink down. He walked right up to Nick, towering over him in Gracie's petite body. "You owe me. For taking care of you. For taking care of your mom. And with your lousy uncle out of your life, you have nowhere else to go..." He pressed right up against a terrified Nick, trembling in Gracie's body. He kissed Nick's cheek as he reached up and gave one of Nick's sensitive new breasts a hard squeeze...

This was far worse than Nick ever imagined...

Monday, September 9, 2024

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Anticipation



You look up at the hooker, dressed a a "school mistress" just as you requested, buttons popped revealing massive cleavage and a purple strap-on poking out from beneath the red tartan skirt. 

"You've been a bad boy..." she begins while stroking the strap-on. "...if you can even be called a boy anymore..."

You hold back a smirk as you looked up at her in awe. Between your legs, there is a tingly stirring. Your panties grow wet...yes, it's time to lose your new "pussy virginity". The anticipation has you practically trembling...

The idea of having a pussy has always fascinated you and the Swap Clinic has finally made it possible. Cheaper than getting an entire female body, you eagerly signed up and had your appointment last week. So far, it's been everything you dreamed. After days of playing with your new part...fingers, toys, a detachable shower decided to involve another person.

"Bend over and present," the hooker commanded. "I want to see this new little boy hole you're so excited about..." You do as she ordered, dripping wet and eager. She lines up the tip of the faux cock with the outer edges of your pussy. "Let's see just how deep this dainty little thing can go..."

Monday, September 2, 2024

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Payback


"Who's there!?" Louisa called out as she heard someone enter the darkened room. "Let me go or there is going to be hell to pay!"

Her feisty attitude quickly faded as the lights came on. "Surprised to see me?" a smirking Vicente began as he walked around in front of the pool table where Louisa was bound. "You can never truly disappear, not in this day and age. Not even if you change your body completely."

"Vicente, Vicente, just listen...I can pay you back, I can pay it all back, I can pay it all back double..." Louisa begged, scrambling. 

"Oh, you will. Double and then some," Vicente explained, his tone growing serious. "You turn poor Anthony into the police for immunity, steal my money, and then try to hide...and you almost got away with it. We certainly weren't looking for a woman in the bumfuck middle of nowhere...but you got sloppy. That text from a burner phone to your mother, letting her know you were ok. How sweet...but we were watching her. Intercepting her messages. We traced it to the tower it sent from...found this town...checked around for anyone new or out of place...and you are both."

"Vicente, Vicente, just...please...please!" she begged, tears in her eyes.

"Let me shut her the fuck up!" Anthony shouted, impatient, moving up behind her and grabbing a fist full of her hair. 

"Luckily for Anthony here, I have good lawyers," Vicente explained. "Don't worry Anthony, you'll get your turn. You all will, for making us chase her out here like this..." Louisa looked around the fringes of the dimly lit space, seeing several of Vicente's men, armed and ready. "You actually saved us a step, turning yourself into a woman at the Underground Swap Clinic...I'll tell you what, I'll take that off of your tab. But you'll earn back triple what you stole in one of my brothels."

"No! Nooo!" Louisa shrieked, pulling fruitlessly at her restraints.

"Don't mess her up too badly. They make more money when they aren't beaten up..." Vicente continued, leaning right down into Louisa's face, looking at her in the eyes. "...or blown out."

"Noooo! NOOOO!" Louisa practically dislocated her wrists struggling to no avail. Vicente left the room followed by a couple of his guards, but the rest...including an eager Anthony...remained for payback...

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Reader's Choice Sunday - #4

I'm going to post an image with no other context. In the comments, leave a one sentence "caption" about what led to this situation. I'll take the most entertaining and expand it into a full caption story  to post next Saturday. If it's popular, we'll do it again next week!