Monday, September 30, 2024

Good Gurls Rehab - Animated GIF -

 Animation isn't normally my cup of tea, but these two images really appealed. Hope you enjoy!

"Tee hee... that's him over there..." a couple of girls from Naomi's class giggled as they passed her in the locker room before Phys Ed. 

Naomi could feel all eyes upon her... Until a week ago, she would have killed to be in here around all of the girls changing clothes. However, now that she's one of them, it's a little less thrilling...

Nick had a knack for technology from a young age. As he got older, he learned it could be pretty profitable too. Other kids would pay him to get into their parents email to delete certain ones sent by the school, to change grades in the system, to reset their absences... Nick could do it all. 

One day, the school's hottest girl, Christa, accidentally left her phone behind. Nick long had a crush on her, but she was the type who wouldn't give him the time of day. He knew she was dating another boy from school and decided to break into her phone to see if she had ever sent him any illicit images...and she definitely had... Nick sold access to the photos and many other boys, and even a few girls, were interested. He made a fortune...but also got the attention of the staff. Christa and her parents were outraged and wanted him expelled. However, the school had just made a deal with Good Gurls Rehab and offered to send Nick there instead.

Now "Naomi" for her senior year and at least the first two years of college, she felt incredibly awkward. It was like the other girls in the locker room were staring at her, just waiting for her to begin to strip...which she eventually did, pulling her uniform top off and revealing her enormous, bouncing breasts in a navy blue bra.


The bra was to come next and the other girls kept watching...likely waiting to comment and tease on what they saw. Naomi unhooked it and slid it down her arms...

...and smirked. The other girls...her guy friends...they could all make fun of him. But she had unrestricted access to an amazing female that the guys (and some of the girls) would kill for. It just so happened that it was now her body...which wasn't really a bad thing - playing with such large breasts and other sensitive parts was a thrill. Sure, there were downsides and discomforts...but as far as punishments go, this one wasn't so bad...

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