Monday, September 23, 2024

Good Gurls Rehab - Animated GIF - Handsy


"This is such...bullshit..." Amalia grumbled as she finished getting dressed. It was a miserable ordeal, not only because she used to be a guy, but because of her new "hands". Getting her bra hooked, doing her hair and makeup, pulling her nylons into was all bad enough, but doing so with a flimsy set of hook hands attached to her wrists made it all the more difficult. 

Ashton was the son of the CEO. A prime example of a "nepo baby", he did no real work and got in the way of others doing work constantly. In particular, he saw the women of the office as his own little harem, knowing they were powerless to resist him if they wanted to keep their jobs. He had a reputation as especially "handsy", as there was no place he wouldn't cop a feel of his female coworkers. One particularly busty woman, Sarah, was a frequent victim of his. One day, after grabbing both breasts without warning, she slapped him...and then he got his CEO father to force her to apologize...

Then one day, he came into the office (late and hungover, as usual) to see his father being led out in handcuffs by FTC agents. It seems he had been embezzling, insider trading, and a host of other offenses. When the new acting CEO learned of the other behaviors he tolerated in the office, the company signed a deal with Good Gurls Rehab to get some good PR. Ashton wanted to quit...but without his father's money, he would have been broke and jobless. The first person in the office of the new GGR rep was, of course, Sarah...

Now Amalia for the next five years as punishment for egregious, repeated sexual harassment and even assault, Sarah requested (and GGR happily provided) an even more devastating punishment - she would lose her hands at the wrist while serving her sentence. Unable to do much else, she was reduced to a (highly visible) receptionist so that everyone coming through the door would see how the company was committed to change. 

A few miserable days later, struggling just to feed herself and use the restroom, she was dealt another blow - she'd now (quickly) have to figure out how to insert (and later change) a tampon with hook hands... Just 4.95 years to go...

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