Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Magic - Animated GIF - One Too Many



This one goes out to JM, hope you enjoy!

Lucia awoke with a painful stiffness in her neck. She never used to be a back sleeper, but circumstances have changed and now it's necessary... She looked over at the empty spot in the bed with a sigh, her heart sinking a little...for multiple reasons... As she went to sit up, the jiggle on her chest sunk her heart even further. She looked down and gave the massive set of breasts on her chest a quick poke. Still real. Still sensitive. Apparently permanent...

Alvina warned Lucas when they first started dating that there was risk to what she did. The allure of dating a shapeshifter, however, clouded his mind. She could be a different woman every night...it was every guy's dream...and it was great, at least for a while. They married, he helped to hide/protect her from various authorities, and they continued to have their fun...but Lucas's demands started to irritate Alvina. Beyond picking the form she took in bed each night, he started to ask her to change things about her regular form. She went along with it for a little while...changes that weren't super noticeable so as not to attract unwanted attention...but one day, he demanded that she make her breasts larger. "If anyone asks, we'll just say you got a boob job!"

That was one too many. In addition to her own shapeshifting abilities, she could change others...though it required much greater power. Still, to teach him a lesson, it would be worth it. She placed hand on the back of his neck and transferred her power to him...changing him...until he was now a big breasted woman. "You see how you...like it..." she said as she nearly passed out. 

Lucas helped her to the bed...then begged her to switch him back. "I'm so sorry! I'll never ask you to change again! Please!" Even if she was willing to switch him back, she was out of energy and wouldn't be able to do it until she recovered. He recalled that certain herbs helped her to recover faster, so he put on some of Alvina's ill-fitting clothing and rushed off to the store...despite his new form...

On his way back into the house, he was suddenly surrounded by several government agents in black suits. "Lucas Clayton?" one asked, presenting a Paranormal Investigation Bureau badge.

"ALVINA! RUN!" he shrieked in his new female voice...but it was too late. Two agents brought her outside in cuffs. The other agents got in between Alvina and Lucas as he tried to rush to her. 

"No! No! At least let her change me back first!" he begged, but they kept him away.

"Alvina Clayton nee Æþelræd," the lead agent announced. "For being an unregistered Púca, for centuries of unauthorized shapeshifting, you have hereby been branded and will serve time in a P.I.B. correctional institution."

A panicking Lucas tried in vain to push past the agents, but noticed the fading blue light on her forearm...they had already branded her, locking in her powers and form. "Nooo! NOOO!!" he shrieked as he was held back.

Once she was driven away, the lead agent came up to a bawling Lucas. "We will...overlook your attempt at aiding and abetting," the agent began. "You will not see Alvina again. Púcas can live for centuries...she already has...and her sentence will be longer than your remaining lifetime. You will be set up with a new identify befitting..." he scanned over Lucas massive new breasts. "...your new form. You transitioned from Lucas to...Lucia. You will cooperate, accept this new identity, and tell no one of what happened here. If we have to return, you will be locked up in a sanitarium for the rest of your life."

Lucia was now alone, stuck a woman...a massive breasted woman...all because of one request too many...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was awesome Erica, thanks! super fun to read!

    I've always loved storied with this tone and where a transformed character is left with a little extra 'up top.'
