Monday, September 2, 2024

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Payback


"Who's there!?" Louisa called out as she heard someone enter the darkened room. "Let me go or there is going to be hell to pay!"

Her feisty attitude quickly faded as the lights came on. "Surprised to see me?" a smirking Vicente began as he walked around in front of the pool table where Louisa was bound. "You can never truly disappear, not in this day and age. Not even if you change your body completely."

"Vicente, Vicente, just listen...I can pay you back, I can pay it all back, I can pay it all back double..." Louisa begged, scrambling. 

"Oh, you will. Double and then some," Vicente explained, his tone growing serious. "You turn poor Anthony into the police for immunity, steal my money, and then try to hide...and you almost got away with it. We certainly weren't looking for a woman in the bumfuck middle of nowhere...but you got sloppy. That text from a burner phone to your mother, letting her know you were ok. How sweet...but we were watching her. Intercepting her messages. We traced it to the tower it sent from...found this town...checked around for anyone new or out of place...and you are both."

"Vicente, Vicente, just...please...please!" she begged, tears in her eyes.

"Let me shut her the fuck up!" Anthony shouted, impatient, moving up behind her and grabbing a fist full of her hair. 

"Luckily for Anthony here, I have good lawyers," Vicente explained. "Don't worry Anthony, you'll get your turn. You all will, for making us chase her out here like this..." Louisa looked around the fringes of the dimly lit space, seeing several of Vicente's men, armed and ready. "You actually saved us a step, turning yourself into a woman at the Underground Swap Clinic...I'll tell you what, I'll take that off of your tab. But you'll earn back triple what you stole in one of my brothels."

"No! Nooo!" Louisa shrieked, pulling fruitlessly at her restraints.

"Don't mess her up too badly. They make more money when they aren't beaten up..." Vicente continued, leaning right down into Louisa's face, looking at her in the eyes. "...or blown out."

"Noooo! NOOOO!" Louisa practically dislocated her wrists struggling to no avail. Vicente left the room followed by a couple of his guards, but the rest...including an eager Anthony...remained for payback...

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