Sunday, September 1, 2024

Reader's Choice Sunday - #4

I'm going to post an image with no other context. In the comments, leave a one sentence "caption" about what led to this situation. I'll take the most entertaining and expand it into a full caption story  to post next Saturday. If it's popular, we'll do it again next week!


  1. wife want husband to experience wearing heels to work for a whole day

  2. This person is a new social media influencer who swaps traits at the swap clinic and reports on the catches and pros and cons on each swap, tune in next for her next swaps

  3. Husband wife medallion of zulo experience each other life

  4. "I knew being rich wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't expect it to be so...boring."

  5. Laying on the coach trying to sober up after a rough night out with his girl friend, he vaguly recalls arguing with her about all her complaining about having a period. Well, little did he know that his gf was magical and cursed him. Now, he or rather she has to experience high heals and a period.

  6. Husband says his wife has it too easy being a housewife, so they switch and the new wife finds it to be a lot more challenging than anticipated.

  7. Ugh! "Walk in each other's shoes" mom said. Didn't know she literally would use the family's magic to swap mine and my sister's body for the summer.

  8. You put a curse on your shoes again, didn't you Sis?

  9. I used the same pic years ago if you need ispiration:
