Sunday, August 11, 2024

New Sunday Activity - Reader's Choice!

We're going to try out a new activity this week - a reader's choice!

I'm going to post an image with no other context. In the comments, state which "category" you'd like to have that image caption under. I'll take whichever category has the most comments by mid-week and write a caption to post next Saturday. If it's popular, we'll do it again next week!

Your options:

  • Great Shift
  • Swap Clinic
  • Good Gurls Rehab
  • Body Hopper
  • Medallion of Zulu

Here is the image for this week:


  1. Swap clinic, ps there's some some great pics of a sissy elf girl on reddit. I'm sure you'd have fun with stories with her

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
