Monday, August 12, 2024

Good Gurls Rehab - Animated GIF - Roommate With Benefits



Drew took a deep breath and then knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey, I think I left my phone in there, can I just grab it quick? I promise I won't look..."

"Yeah, come in," Megan answered.

Drew went in, planning to keep his eyes down, but couldn't help but to look when he saw that the shower curtain was wide open. "Oh, man, I' sorry..." he quickly stammered, taking everything he had to peel his eyes away, then grabbing his phone and turning to walk away.

"Wait!" Megan called out to stop him. "I...wanted you to see." Drew paused and turned, looking out of the corner of his eye while trying not to be obvious. "Some of the other 'gurls' in the program said it helps to find a...buddy with benefits. Helps keep us from doing stupid things with random guys until we get a feel for our new bodies...and hormones, and feelings, and desires, and all that..."

"Are you..." Drew began, looking more directly at her. "Are you saying what I think you are?"

"Yeah!" Megan answered enthusiastically while rubbing warm water over her exposed skin. "You know, you need to like...actually do good for it to keep happening, but for a trial...I mean, we've been roommates for years, this body is into yours, and if it gets weird, well, we just stop..."

Drew hesitated, clearly thinking about the situation. Until a week ago, this gorgeous blonde in front of him was his short, chubby, prematurely balding, male roommate Martin. His workplace partnered with Good Gurls Rehab for a "Mile in Her Shoes" program and Martin eagerly signed up. "You know..." he started, scenarios still running in his mind. "Maybe I'll call in sick to work today. Care for someone to join you and...wash your back?"

Megan smirked. "We can start there if you want...but I'm hoping you'll help clean out some other areas too..."

Drew smirked back and began to undress...

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