Monday, June 3, 2024

Birthday Week Requests!

As has become an annual tradition it seems, I'm now accepting requests for my birthday week celebration (June 9-15)!

Let me know what you'd like to see in a comment below. Keep in mind, everything must be 18+, and the more specific you are, the harder it is to find images and thus caption them. Not really looking to do any long series as part of this, so keep that in mind as well.

Looking forward to seeing what you want!

Until then... 😘😉


  1. I think I did this before and never got a response or a caption.

    1. Sorry about that, I tend to get a high volume and can't reasonably get through them all. Like I said in the write-up, ones that are too specific to find an image for or are requesting something long also tend not to get picked.

    2. That's ok. I personally can't do non descript or less is more stuff so I'm good for now.

    3. I also like choosing my images too so randomness don't work either :D

  2. Happy (Early) Birthday Erica! In spirit of the theme I would like to request a caption about a guy who was granted his birthday wish to be a beautiful woman, but regrets his decision due to living with back pain from breasts, periods, objectification, effort put into fashion/make-up, etc. She now spends every birthday hoping (in vain) this will be the one where her wish to change back is granted.

  3. Happy birthday
    How about a great shift where a guy turned girl at same time being wished happy birthday there water breaks

  4. Happy birthday! Thank you for all the wonderful captions you've made throughout the years.

    I'd like to see a caption where a guy who has a hobby of going into a mall and looking for attractive and/or rich-looking women to possess (possession method doesn't really matter too much). Then, he goes into clothing stores and spends a bunch of time trying out all sorts of feminine clothing before finally pleasuring himself. You could add a sort of twist like maybe his mom or sister was in the same store as him while possessing a woman and she somehow figures out it's him. Instead of getting mad, him and her start spending time together like two women would.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Happy Birthday! My request is very general, I love the captions where you explore the experience of peeing sitting down. So anything along those lines would be great, teh more detailed the better! :)

  7. Wow.... So it's Birthday time again.... Happy Birthday!!!

    I would like to request a caption where a guy named Martin buys a beauty potion to give to his girlfriend, but she finds out and slips it to him instead, turning him into a total smoke show. He in turn winds up dating her brother.

  8. Happy early birthday, Erica.

    I have written a short series of stories entitled "The Gentlemen's Bar" that centers around a high-end bar where everyone is welcome so long as they don't break the rules, doing so causes the transformation maguffin by the bar's bouncer for a poetic justice type of transformation. If it pleases you, can I make a request where an office boss follows one of his female employees to said bar because he thinks she left work without permission. While he's verbally chewing his employee out, he makes an off-hand racist remark about the janitor being a better employee than her. So, the bouncer turns the man into a Latina woman who's now the personal assistant to his former employee he was chewing out earlier.

  9. Happy birthday!

    A Ring of Turan story similar to Tails Never Fails and Making Her Jealous, but where the story continues with how they react and reluctantly have to deal with being stuck forever.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Happy birtday !!
    I would love to see a caption where a guy has his body stolen by a big breasted woman by a scam at swap clinic(maybe underground swap clinic?) ,this woman has a rare condition that her breasts can't stop lactating,and now this poor guy has to deal with it for the rest of his life!!

  12. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the work you put in to entertain all of us.
    I'll make this fairly simple. Either a full change into a woman with ridiculously oversized boobs or a Man Pussy caption where I wind up heavily pregnant. Thanks.

  13. Happy birthday!!!! Thank you for another year of great content!
    I'd like to request a 18+ follow-up of this caption you made:

    For instance, it could involve the wedding night.

    Thanks a lot!!

  14. Happy birthday erica, I wanted to request a story where a guy gets caught watching the porno where the girl has a remote control vibrator. The gf swaps their genitals and takes him out while he was a remote control vibrator in his new pussy (bonus points for going into detail of how wet he gets)

  15. Happy Birthday to you, you got the Medallion of Zulu!

    I think I've put in a bunch of requests and ideas in the past but here are a few other ones.

    How about someone who has to use another body to get a job? Essentially they would be unemployed and use something like the Medallion of Zulu, Ring of Turan or even borrowing a body from the Swap Clinic to go to work as their alter ego.

    For the first two it would be a secret, just working as an undocumented worker. While for the Swap Clinic it could be more publicly known, especially if they're borrowing the body of someone they know

    1. Oh oh oh another thought.

      Something along the lines of a person visiting a quiet town on a holiday (roadtrip, hiking getaway, skiing holiday, etc) and they decided to buy a place there as a bit of a sea change.

      However, with housing prices the way they are they were unsuccessful... that was until someone gave them an interesting offer via the Swap Clinic. For a set price they could have the;
      The body of the owner
      And the life then goes long with it all

    2. And for a more birthday themed idea.

      Something involving the obviously well known trend of Birthday trips to the Swap Clinic. Be it a regular yearly occurrence, or just for big milestones, the birthday boy or girl gets to select one trait from everyone in attendance at the party to build a new body out of.

  16. Happy birthday! Long time follower, first time commenter! I would love to see a caption in which a dad becomes a pretty goth girl about the same age as his son and they discover some new feelings about each other.

  17. Happy birthday Erica! Here's to wishing you a great day, wonderful year of happiness and good health and may all your dreams and wishes come true!
    Love the girl in today's captions! Beauty and sexy. Maybe she is the girl of your dreams to become? If so, hope you become her!
    So, you are walking through the mall and stop and stare in the VS window when a little old man in a bathrobe comes up and motions for you to follow him, which you do. Inside his store, he gives you a package and tells you to open it at home by yourself, its a special b day gift. You do as told and it is a body suit of a the girl in the picture! Within minutes of trying it on, you become her! Today is the birthday of the new you! You go through everything learning how to be a female and after a shopping spree, decide to go clubbing. The itch to try sex is too great so you hit up a good looking stud and take him home. While it hurts with him slowly entering you, you soon enjoy the pleasures it brings you. You decide to keep the body suit on past midnight and you become her forever!

  18. Happy Birthday!

    If you could do one about a teacher named Peter who gets swapped by a former student that would be great. He didn't think girls needed to learn and now his former student is stuck doing online content and forces him to experience what it's like to be an internet 'model'.

  19. Happy birthday Erica
    Fellow June baby here!!!
    One of my favorite type transformation is reluctnat transformation as a favor for a close female in there life things like
    - mom always wanted a daughter so son "temporarily" becomes female
    - girlfriend is bi-curious
    - girlfriend or female friend is going to woman only event and is shy and wants to transform you so you can come and support here
    - best friend wants you to be "MAID" of honor etc

    happy birthday again

  20. Happy birthday!!

    A swap clinic chamber malfunctions and causes undetected mental changes to a technician causing him develop new fetishist and to slowly swap himself away. He also convinces his partner to swap as well where he hijacks their swap and makes them a full fetished out mess to suits his new dark fantasies

    Or a group of friends go for a Renaissance fair but decide to not just dress up but to swap themselves temporarily for a more fantastic experience. They roll a six sided dice to determine who or what they will become for a whole weekend from looks to personality traits, to intelligence

    The fetish genie who takes your looks at her master and knows his secrets and kinky desires and curses them with their lust. Every tf is a blissful hell of kinky self-loathing and difficulty adjusting to their new lives

  21. A man who thinks he is better than others finds a strange device that transports him to the distant future into the body of a female alien, where he is sold as a slave to a space baron.

  22. Happy Birthday! I always love when you open up requests from the community
    I'd love to see a swap party senior prom or a guy who wants to cosplay gets turned into a girl at an anime convention

  23. Hi Erica, Happy Birthday to you! I cannot believe I was reading your stories for another year now :).

    I know I'm a little late to join the fray, but perhaps you will find my idea inspirational? Could I ask you to write a story where a man in a happily married couple gets cursed due to his wife mishap? The curse has triggers that, whan activated, either changes his body, or forces some impediments on him (for example, having to obey his wife, not beeing able to orgasm untill condition is met, or any other that you will find fitting). They try to find a solution, but eventually have to accept and adapt to their predicament.

    I would be overjoyed if you could pick that request! Once again, best wishes to you!

  24. Happy Birthday Erica! I'd love to see a light heart Great Shift Experience caption and sort of a spiritual sequel to your Neurodivergent Trio; Could you write were the character is chilling out in her weighted blanket with a good book or some nice warm coca.

  25. Happy birthday month to you and me, i'd love to see a caption involving the Idol of Ianus. its the victims birthday and he's getting loads of present of his family but his hot slutty aunt asks him to come over to her apartment to receive his gift, she hands him the idol an they both swap and she plays dumb and says we have to pretend to be each other till she can figure out how to swap back. It was actually the aunts plan all along to steal her nephews body after being cast out of the family for her actions, she leaves her nephew trapped in her body and life.

  26. Happy birthday!
    I would like a caption about the pro and cons about being a girl for somebody who wants to go to the swap clinic.
    Pro : female pleasure, no morning wood, beauty, pregnancy
    Cons : periods, boobs, weakness, rape...
    Then he (or after the change she), would say "when it needs to make a change in life, it is needed to make concessions."
    Then she says, it is worth it, and she is happy with her change.

  27. Alright, I believe I've written a cap for everyone who posted here! Look for them the test of this week and weekend!
