Monday, June 17, 2024

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Mom Bod


"Ugh, that was so awful..." Marcy grumbled as she entered her house, her best friend Kyle tagging along behind, after their first day back to school since the Great Shift. "I NEED to get out of these clothes...I knew women had it bad, but holy shit dude...try wearing a bra sometime..."

"So, where's the rest of your family?" Kyle asked as they arrived in the kitchen. 

"My mom is in my body, still at work. My dad is in my sister's body, also at work...both are working crazy over time to catch up from all the shift chaos. And my sister swapped with the neighbor's toddler, so she's in day care," Marcy explained, still slowly moving toward the bedroom as she spoke. "Just let me go change and we'll hang out..."

"Actually..." Kyle began, moving up close to her. She instinctively took a step back, but was in the corner between the counter and the peninsula. "Why don't I help you out of those clothes?"

"Kyle, I..." Marcy stammered, flustered. She wanted to recoil...but her new body was getting incredibly aroused. "I'm not...we shouldn't...I'm not ready yet...this is my mom's body..." he tried to come up with any reason.

"You know I've always found your mom super an amazing mom bod..." Kyle began, popping the top couple of buttons on Marcy's blouse. She could only gasp as he body felt like it was on fire with desire. "Mmm, so hot," Kyle added as he peeked inside, seeing the black bra holding Marcy's breasts aloft.

"Kyle...Kyle..." Marcy could barely get a word out. Her body was reacting far more strongly than anything she had ever felt before. 

"Shh, let's just do one needs to know..." Kyle continued, lifting Marcy's skirt and running his fingers over her pink panty clad pussy. It was soaked and so hot he could feel it through the lacy fabric with ease. He began to rub it, causing her to bed over with a gasp and moan.

"Bedroom..." she finally mumbled out. "Let's go to the bedroom..."

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Birthday Week - Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who made a request this year! I fulfilled as many as I could and I really hope you enjoyed them all! I had a great birthday week and have plenty more captions to come ahead. Thank you for reading, as always 😘😉

Birthday Week - Pros and Cons

 This one goes out to ben528, hope you enjoy!

Birthday Week - Find Her, Fast!

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Birthday Week Requests!

As has become an annual tradition it seems, I'm now accepting requests for my birthday week celebration (June 9-15)!

Let me know what you'd like to see in a comment below. Keep in mind, everything must be 18+, and the more specific you are, the harder it is to find images and thus caption them. Not really looking to do any long series as part of this, so keep that in mind as well.

Looking forward to seeing what you want!

Until then... 😘😉

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Quit Pretending


Chad trudged in his apartment after work, exhausted from another day of post-Great Shift life. He loosened his tie when his roommate Becky, formerly Brett, charged in.

"Ok! Today is the day you stop pretending!" she quickly removed her dress and tossed it at him. "Look at me! Just embrace it, ok? Quit...pretending!"

"Oof, Becky..." Chad grumbled, looking away and narrowly dodging the dress. 

"You CANNOT tell me this doesn't get your juices flowing, I mean, look at my new body!" Becky continued.

"Yes, I can see it's very nice, but..." Chad tried to counter.

"But nothing! Look at you! Cut your hair short, hide your body under those ridiculous clothes, still going by your guy's so, SO much better if you just embrace your new womanhood!" Becky explained, hands on her naked hips.

Chad and his two roommates each swapped with girls from the sorority house down the street. None were thrilled at first, but Becky and Tasha soon embraced it. "Chad", less so...

"Come on, even if you're not into me, at least let me show you around your new body! I had plenty of experience with women before and WAY more now," Becky begged. "If you just cum once, I promise..."

"...ok," Chad finally accepted, unable to keep his eyes off of Becky. Trying to ignore his new body and pretend to still be a guy wasn't working. "But..."

"Tasha! He said yes!" Becky called out. Suddenly, Tasha entered the room wearing only a glittery pink bra and short shorts...pretty standard attire for her since the Great Shift.

"Oh my god, yes! Finally, we can be the orgy house!" Tasha exclaimed happily. "Oh, oh, can I join too? I've been horned up all day..."

Chad sighed. His new body was straight as an arrow...but at least these two could get him started on playing with his own body...