Monday, June 24, 2024

Swapped at Birth - Animated GIF - Second Procedure


Paul arrived home after work and entered his apartment with a groan.

"Hey, have you seen his...her Insta?" his roommate, Kristie, called from the couch, looking at her tablet.

Paul sighed. "What now? She was quiet for a few weeks...maybe she..." he trailed off as Kristie flipped the tablet around. "That fucking bastard!"

"Hey guys, sorry for the slow couple of weeks. I was just healing up from my second procedure!" Jasmine began in a video post. It killed Paul to see her beautiful face like this. She stepped back... "Ta da! Now this is the body I belong in!"

Payton was one of those girls who knew she was beautiful and put it to full advantage. The only thing she was lacking physically was great breasts. She had "barely B's", but was able to work around it. She showed off her other features and, when needed, would rock a push-up bra. She thought she had it made...then, a month ago, she learned she had been swapped at birth. "A guy wouldn't want to swap with a woman, right?" she figured. She was wrong... She had got to school with the guy she swapped with - an overweight nerd named Scott. He was the type of guy she'd never have given the time of day...unless she needed to copy his homework or something. The news had barely come out when Scott applied to be switched back. Payton fought it every way she could, but it was to no avail. She was swapped into Scott's chubby, geeky body.

"She got fucking breast implants!?" Paul shouted incredulously. "He's ruining my body!"

"Well, I guess it's his...hers now," Kristie replied.  "They do look really good. I guess she used that tech engineer money to hire a great surgeon..."

"Don't you start!" Paul cut in. "He's still a loser who took my body and left this!"

"Well, it sucks for you, yeah, but this is the body you were born in, so..." Kristie trailed off with a shrug. "And she's apparently not a loser. She started her own tech company before being swapped, and now with your old body, she's absolutely killing it."

"Ugh!" Paul groaned, storming off to his bedroom, still frustrated by the whole situation.

"Hey! If you're going to jerk off again, be quieter this time! I don't need to her it..." Kristie shouted just as Paul slammed the door. "Gotta find a new roommate..." she mumbled.

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