Derrick stepped out of the shower and headed into his bedroom, ready to dress for a day at the office. As he stared into his closet mulling his clothing options, everything went dark...
A moment later, he found himself back in the shower. Hot water streaming down, a steamed up bathroom all around, who had just thrown back the shower curtain holding a knife...
"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Derrick shrieked, too panicked to notice the woman's voice now leaving his lips.
"AHHHHHHHH!!" the man began to shout as well, looking from Derrick, to the knife, and then back.
Instinctively, Derrick's body reached up to cover itself...causing Derrick to notice the extra weight on his chest. "GET OUT!" he shouted, worse panic setting in as he started to realize he wasn't in his own body or own bathroom.
"¡No sé qué está pasando! ¡Yo no estaba haciendo esto! ¡Yo también soy mujer! ¡Lo... lo siento!" the man cried out in an almost apologetic tone. "Necesito llegar a casa... con mis hijos! ¿Qué les pasó?" He then ran off, dropping the knife on the ground as he did.
The immediate threat dealt with, Derrick just stood there in the shower for several seconds. A quick glance down confirmed what he had been feeling and hearing - he was now in a woman's body, in an unknown bathroom. He turned the shower off, trembling from shock despite the hot steam all around, then stepped out. Dripping wet, he stepped toward the mirror and wiped away the condensation. Looking back was a young Latina woman. Hair up, some sort of face mask applied, modest breasts, and, yes, a pussy tucked away beneath a well-trimmed puff of hair.
After taking a minute to collect himself, he put on this woman's robe and then picked up the apparent assailant's knife from the ground. She poked her head out of the bathroom to see a modest apartment and no one else apparently home. Holding the robe shut with one hand and keeping the knife in a ready position with the other, he moved to the window. Looking out, he saw a city he did not recognize. What signs he could see where all written in Spanish while the people running around down below appeared to be mostly Hispanic. Given the chaos he was seeing, he guessed that he was not the only person impacted by this whole "body swapping" event.
He was one of billions of victims around the world of what would come to be known as the "Great Shift". Stuck in a strange city, in a strange body, with no means of contacting anyone he knew...
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