Interviews with various people at a family reunion in the park!
Friday, February 28, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Not Feeling Well - Have Some Throwback Chastity Captions
I've been under the weather this week, and the weekend's "throwback" dump drove requests for more chastity content. Below is a a whole bunch of my old chastity captions and I'll try to make some new ones when I'm back to health.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025
The Great Shift - Animated GIF - Protesting
"What the HELL do you two think you're doing!?" Elliot, formerly Elana, scolded as he ran up toward Nikki (formerly Nick) and Tanya (formerly Tanner) as they approached the school.
"Uh, trying to get into school on time, duh," Nikki (left) replied, knowing full well what Elliot actually meant, as she shot a quick glance to Tanya.
"No! I mean..." Elliot glanced around, then leaned in. "...neither of you is wearing a bra!"
"Oh, we decided to protest the school's sexist dress code," Tanya quickly, facetiously countered while smirking toward Nikki.
"Yeah, we went to school here for years and never had to wear a bra before. It's bullshit that they want us to wear them now!" Nikki added.
"You were...guys..." an increasingly frustrated Elliot stammered. "Look, Maddie and Isla haven't turned up since the Great Shift. They were my two best friends...I'm just trying to look out for their bodies until they get back..."
"IF they get back..." Tanya corrected.
"And they're OUR bodies now, the government said so," Nikki tacked on.
"Why can't you two be like Spencer...err, uh, Sophie in my old body?" Elliot asked.
Nikki and Tanya glanced toward one another then began laughing. "Haha, are you serious?" Nikki asked.
"Yeah, she might dress appropriately or whatever, but she's been slutting it up in your old body," Tanya explained.
"What! When? How do you know?" Elliot asked, shocked.
"Uhh, the party at Jeff...Jenny Miller's last weekend, for one," Tanya answered.
Nikki pulled out her phone and brought up a video which she showed to Elliot. It clearly showed Sophie on her knees in front of Brad Hodges. "See?"
"Oh boys are disgusting! Oh my god!" Elliot exclaimed, louder and louder, the stormed off.
"Women are such prudes..." Tanya commented as the two friends continued toward the school, drawing the gaze of every guy (and a few girls) to their chests as they did.
At the entrance, however, waited Principal Morris...the formerly middle-aged man was now in the body of the "hot" female art teacher. She didn't take long to adapt...standing there in a skirt and blazer with professional high-heels. "Forgetting something, girls?"
Tanya and Nikki just sighed...
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Friday, February 21, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
GGR - Animated GIF - Old Fashioned
"Turn around, let me see," Hayden's grandmother barked.
"Gram, people in the store will..." Hayden began to complain, starting to blush from embarrassment.
"Hush! Now let me see..." she silenced him. "Yes, this looks more appropriate." Hayden could only hang her head in shame as she stood there outside of the changing room, in a "granny bra", for all to see. If she had known that this would be her fate, maybe she would have tried harder the first time around...
Harvey's mother passed when he was young, leaving him in the care of his overworked single father. Without much oversight, he fell in with a bad crowd and started getting into legal trouble. Most of it was petty and minor, but after getting caught using a stolen credit card online, he was looking at real jail time.
His school had a deal with Good Gurls Rehab, however, and they offered an alternative - two years as a woman. Harvey thought he was getting off easy...getting tits and a pussy to play with whenever he wanted vs. jail? The choice seemed easy.
The new Hayden, however, bristled under the restrictions of the program. She didn't have a mother to help teach her the basics of things like doing her hair and makeup and dressing appropriately. Each slip-up led to extensions of her sentence. Then, looking to turn the situation into easy money, she started offering hand-jobs for $20 under the bleachers after school...but got caught by the principal.
Her father at his wit's end, he was complaining to his mother... an old-school, very strict old woman. She offered to take in Hayden, whose sentence was now up to five years, and make a "proper" woman out of her.
Living like it was still the 1950s, Hayden was forced into conservative old fashions while learning to do almost all of the housework. She dreaded breaking one of her grandmother's rules even more than breaking a GGR rule...which she hadn't done since moving in with her grandmother... Her GGR probation officer was so impressed he half-jokingly offered Hayden's grandmother a teaching job in the program...
"Maybe I could get one that's not white, they show through my school tops and..." Hayden began, hoping to get a less "old fashioned" bra.
"Proper women only wear white undergarments. Colors are for whores," her grandmother quickly shut her down.
Hayden sighed... she just had 4.5 more years of this to go...