"From what my source tells me, Goldstein and Sons really pitched hard, so if we want them to renew, we're going to have to be on our 'A' game..." Jake explained as he and Matilda walked toward the elevator.
"Your 'source'? Matilda replied with a scoff. "That chubby AA you bang at every conference?"
"You're on to talk, look at you..." Jake fired back.
"I'm simply leaning on the silver lining of an awful situation I didn't ask to be in," Matilda replied. "And you've haven't complained about benefiting from it, either."
"Ugh, whatever, it still feels..." Jake got onto the elevator and turned around to see Matilda adjusting her top. "...wrong."
"Whatever," she added as she stepped on. "I'll keep doing my thing, you just keep turning a blind eye to the 'ethics' policy, and we'll remain the top sales team in the company, got it?"
Jake and Matt were the company's top sales team. Great schmoozers, extremely knowledgeable, willing to bend over backwards to get their clients what they needed... Then Matt found out that he was "swapped at birth". A handsome young man making good money with a healthy sex life, he had no interest in switching. Then, the woman he was swapped with made the decision for him... She was tired of being objectified and thought being a handsome man seemed like a good life. Matt tried to fight it, but there was little he could do...
Now, as Matilda, she's had to adjust her "sales tactics" but remains just as successful as before. They take the client out for dinner and drinks, she happens to have a hotel room nearby, she and client end up there...and she uses her new "assets" to get them to buy whatever she wants. Sure, she feels dirty...but she didn't ask for this. And she still considers it part of "bending over backwards" for her clients...
Seems like he was blessed in life, regardless of his gender.