Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Great Shift - Surreal Feeling


1 comment:

  1. Should do one where the strangers switch and know that they switched with each other. They meet up a few days later once the world has at least begun to calm down and swap details that the other will need to know. Like the woman now in the mans body warns about her body having a higher rate of UTIs, and the man now in the woman's body warns about his knee getting stiff in cold weather.

    No romance, no hookup, just the realities of two people lucky enough to find their switches and sit down and prepare each other for this new world.maybe a two partner with the second part being their new lives a couple years down the line and the new woman is getting married, with her old male body walking her down the aisle. Or the new man getting a great career advancement and inviting her old body out for a celebratory dinner.
