Sunday, August 25, 2024

Reader's Choice Sunday - #3

I'm going to post an image with no other context. In the comments, make a one sentence post on how you ended up in this body/situation. I'll take the most entertaining and expand it into a full caption story  to post next Saturday. If it's popular, we'll do it again next week!



  1. This so Surreal I mean before The Great Shift becoming a mother is something I thought I'd never do or enjoy this much.

  2. I never should of made fun of the fat kids saying were lazy and dumb,not thanks to ggr if I don't gain a pound a day it's an extra day in my sentence

  3. I knew better than to make fun of her, but I didn't think she was a witch and turn me into her twin sister!

  4. I was jerking off to old high school party photos, especially of the prettiest girl in our class. Damn FOSE...

  5. Cuando mí hermana dijo que le cuidara a los niños no pensé que se refiriera a ésto. Hay diablos sí yo estoy aquí ella está en la cama con mí amante espero que me guarde él secreto

  6. Those swap treats were meant for Bekah, I should have known her roomate would steal those sweets and leave me stuck in her body.... !@#$.

  7. The last thing I remember saying to my wife was, "Of course I'd be the one to get pregnant and have our baby if I could"...

  8. "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." was the wrong thing to say to the rumored sorceress when I took the cupcake out of her hand and ate it.

  9. Get back here with the medallion, how was I supposed to know this big bra came with big... everything else too!

  10. I think Brits play poker differently: this witch said her two pair beats my jacks, so I lose my masculinity but at the same time I win 'five hundred pounds', how does that work?

  11. I told her she was being dramatic and that girls don't bloat that much while on their period, she said "We'll see..."

  12. A malfunctioning teleporter merged 2 women and a man together, the man's head was all that was left and the body was female from the neck down. The 2 woman's minds took control of thr body
