Monday, August 5, 2024

Magic - Animated GIF - Like a Picnic


"He'll cover our debts, it'll get us out of this..." Marty reminded a hesitant Emily.

"Your debts. It'll get you out of this..." Emily countered, scowling with arms crossed. 

"No, it really is 'us'. And I don't just mean in that 'we're married so we share everything' way," Marty explained. "These are...bad people, Em. They'll kill me just to make an example and you, well... One weekend with Paul will look like a picnic compared to what they do with you..."

Emily swallowed hard. "One weekend...and we get the money, and we get out of this?" she asked.

"He'll wire the money as soon as you're there on Friday. You just...suck it up, do what he wants, and I'll be there to pick you up Sunday night. We'll be out of this horrible situation..." Marty answered.

Emily was understandably nervous and furious, but the night finally came. She dressed, makeup, push-up bra, heels...and presented herself to Marty. Only an old necklace from her grandmother remained from her usual attire.

"You look beautiful babe...maybe when we're through this, you can dress up like this for me to celebrate," Marty said upon seeing her.

"Of course, babe..." she simply replied with a soft smile. "Kiss for luck?"

Marty smiled and eagerly moved in. As soon as their lips touched, Marty felt a sudden shock. He moved to pull away...only to nearly tumble over in unfamiliar high heels. "What the... What the fuck!?" he shouted, looking down to see Emily's bountiful cleavage on his chest. He was now in Emily's body.

"An old spell my witch grandmother enchanted into this necklace in case a guy ever...well, this isn't what it was for, but it's close enough," Emily explained from Marty's body. "You're going to 'spend the weekend with Paul' and earn the money yourself."

"Emily...let's...Emily, just, let me..." Marty stammered.

"Nope, not hearing it. You ran your business into the ground, you took out a shady loan when no reputable place would lend to you, and now you'll pay that back," Emily sternly explained.

She took Marty over to Paul's place, shutting him down any time he tried to speak. She watched as he teetered up to the door in the heels...looking back with pleading eyes several times...but he ultimately knocked on the door and was greeted by Paul.

No sooner had the door closed behind Marty did Paul aggressively strip him down and cuff him. "To ensure compliance..." Paul explained to a stunned Marty. "Oh, and before you ask..." Paul started, picking up his phone. "Transfer sent. Now, I'm going to make you earn every penny..."

Calling it "rough fucking" was an understatement. Paul had gotten a prescription for Sildenafil he obviously didn't need just so he could squeeze a few more sessions into this weekend. Marty, in Emily's form, had every hole violated...aggressively and repeatedly...begging and pleading only seemed to get Paul more into it. 

Finally, Sunday night came around. Limping with both pussy and ass sore, carrying the high heels, sweaty and cum-soaked, disheveled in the dress, Marty hobbled out of the house. He waited for Emily to return...and waited, and waited. The door opened behind him, with Marty literally recoiling from Paul. "Uh, Marty just called, wants to talk to you," he said, handing Marty the phone.

"Hello..." Marty started.

"Listen, I've turned off the volume, I can't hear you so don't bother speaking," Emily began. "we're done. I'm taking your body and the money Paul wired. I'll use my grandmother's spellbook to get a new body and enjoy life as a rich woman. Your...shady loan shark will never find me. But you? They'll see you as 'Marty's wife'. Maybe they'll just kill you...but I have a feeling what they do with you will make the weekend with Paul look like a picnic. Good luck you piece of shit prick..."

"Em! Emily!" Marty shouted, but she had hung up. He dropped the phone while trembling...and things only got worse as he saw the black SUV of his loan shark pull up in front of the house...