Monday, August 19, 2024

Body Hopper - Animated GIF - Don't Even Know


"I'm not this woman! That's her in my body on the floor!" Tim shouted as the male police officer cuffed him. "She invited me up! I thought we were going to hook up! Then she...stole my body! Tell them! TELL THEM!" The body hopper on the floor, however, simply remained silent. "You have you believe me! I don't even know this woman!!"

"I'd exercise your right to remain silent," the female officer holding the gun suggested. "I've seen people freak out while being arrested, but 'my body was stolen' is a new excuse..."

"No! No! C'mon...tell them...please! TELL THEM!" Tim shouted as the male officer pulled him to his feet and guided him toward the hall. "Nooo! NOOO!" he shouted, the combination of the situation and unfamiliar female hormones causing tears to stream down his face.

"I've got this one. Take her down to the car," the female officer directed her partner. 

"I'm going to have a LOT of fun with your cavity search..." the male officer leaned in to whisper as they left the reoom. He gave Tim's supple new ass a firm squeeze, only causing Tim to cry more. As they neared the elevator, a gun shot suddenly rang out. "Stay here!" the male officer barked, shoving Tim to the floor and then drawing his gun. "Officer Vinson!?" he called out as he slowly walked back toward the room, gun drawn. "Stephanie!?" he shouted again. She walked out of the room holding her gun. "What did you do?" the male officer asked her, lowering his own gun. He looked into the room to see Tim's old body dead on the floor, a bullet in his brain. "What the fuck did you..."


Officer Vinson put a bullet in his head as well as he turned to look at her. He fell mostly into the room, then she bent down to drag him the rest of the way in. She stepped back out and closed the door behind her, looking up and smirking at a terrified Tim laying face down on the hall floor, tears still flowing, but now terrified for his life as well. He quickly realized that the person who stole his body was now in the female officer's as she lifted a finger to her lips in a "shush" motion, then headed for the back stairwell.

Once the terror in Tim started to lift, he began to scream for help. Finally, two agents in suits and sunglasses stepped off of the elevator. One bent down next to Tim, looking him over.

"We're agents Daniels and Burton of the P.I.B.," she explained. "It seems you've had a run-in with a body hopper. Your life will never be the same after this day...but at least you're alive..."

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