Monday, July 22, 2024

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Therapy Success


"Oh my god, it's like a breath of fresh air! I feel so...tingly and energized!" Carly said as she got up from the bed and slipped back into her pink pajama top. "It's like an espresso shot and a night of good sleep wrapped in..."

"I get it, I've been there," Bruce cut her off while playfully rolling her eyes. "Women's orgasms are really good..."

"So, I was thinking..." Carly began in a more serious tone. "Our month is almost up and...after the initial unpleasantness...I think this whole 'switching bodies' therapy has worked. Would you be up for...say, another month swapped?"

"Carl Watson...I never thought I'd hear you ask for an extension..." Bruce teased. "But yes. Despite...the orgasms not being quite as good, I've been enjoying most of the other aspects of being a man. I get way more respect at work, I don't feel as vulnerable, I get to toss my dainty little 'wife' around in bed..."

"I get it, I've been there, haha," Carly teased, repeating Bruce's reply. "So, is that a yes?"

"Yes, we can extend it by a month, the therapist will love that..." Bruce answered.

"Woo! Yes!" Carly celebrated while fixing the collar of her top and turning away, arm raised in triumph. "I'm going to go...I don't even know! But I feel great and whatever it is will be great too!"

Bruce smirked as Carly's...formerly his own...cute ass poked out from beneath the top. With her out of the room, he reached over and grabbed his phone, quickly bringing up the text chain with her best friend, Michelle. Michelle had a reputation for giving amazing blow jobs...and Bruce as fun as sex with her own body was, he wanted to see if the reputation was legit while he had the parts for it. He felt a little wrong...but Carly, back when she was Carl, did get a lot of blowjobs from her former secretary at work. It was one of the big reasons they were in therapy to begin with.

"Yeah, come over tonight!" Bruce smirked at Michelle's response text. The therapist would be a little less thrilled about this, but hey, it was only fair...

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