Monday, July 1, 2024

GGR - Animated GIF - Payback


"Yeah! How do you feel now, huh!?" Pam barked from behind while thrusting away with a strap-on.

"Ngh! MMGH! ROO ITCHK!" Harriet shouted, badly muffled by the gag.

"You harass all the women!" Pam continued between thrusts. "You sleep around! You take them for drinks and take advantage of them! Well this is for all the women of the office!"

Harry was the company's greatest salesman, he brought in what everyone else did combined... but also had the classic attitude that came with it. All women were his for the taking, and take them he did. Whether it was inviting them out to drinks after work or getting the drunk while on a business trip, he had them all eventually, and his status meant their complaints fell on deaf ears. 

Then the CEO's college-aged niece joined as an intern. Harry didn't know who she was, simply that she was a gorgeous woman he hadn't slept with yet. When she made it clear she wasn't interested in going out for a drink with him, he didn't take no for an answer. The next day, he set up a meeting between just the two of them...and if she wanted to keep her job, she'd have to blow him. Instead, she called her uncle, who sent security to the room.

Harry was no longer untouchable. In fact, he might be looking at criminal charges in addition to being fired. But the company had just partnered with GGR and they offered a solution instead - he'd keep his job, be transformed into a woman for five years, and his sales commissions would be split among his victims during that time. Harry had no choice but to accept, and soon became Harriet.

Her former victims loved teasing her and were always quick to report any rules violations. But it wasn't enough for Pam, a fellow saleswoman. He got her blackout drunk a few years ago, had sex with her, and got her pregnant. She had it aborted, but it still ruined her long-term relationship. She had an even better idea for payback...

On their next sales trip, she hired a couple of local men to bind and gag Harriet in her hotel room. Pam then arrived with all manner of sex toys. 

"How does it feel? How does it feel, huh?" Pam asked rhetorically.

"GNAGGHH!" Harriet snarled into the gag, her still unfamiliar new hole being violated over and over by Pam's massive dildo. 

Pam thrusted hard and shoved it deep within Harriet. "And if you ever even think of telling someone about this,  I'll say you're still harassing us and I know the other women will back me up. How does a lifetime as a woman sound?" She withdrew and then resumed her hard fucking.

Tears were streaming down Harriet's face. This is the payback she deserved...


  1. Well deserved for that macho. 5 years of fucking at least!

  2. Think though they try saying he was still harassing them and put him for first time in a cage and add 5 years
