Monday, May 6, 2024

Ring of Turan - Animated GIF - Thrill of a Lifetime


"Lacy" took an armload of clothing, right up to the store's limit, into an open dressing room. Her heart was racing, she felt tingly all was the thrill of a lifetime to finally be able to do this.

Lance wanted to be a woman for as long as he could remember. However, a lack of support, a lack of money, and the belief that he wouldn't pass well as a woman all prevented him from pursuing transition. He made do with crossdressing in private and reading/writing body swap fiction, but it was a poor substitute.

One day, he was out walking his dog who started nosing around in a pile of leaves and branches, then started barking excitedly. As he pulled the dog back, he looked down into the pile and noticed a glint of metal. Pulling it out, he saw a very plain looking ring...however, it seemed to "glow" with a barely perceptible light. He shrugged and dropped it into his pocket, forgetting all about it until he went to change clothes for bed that evening as it rolled out of his pocket. It oddly appeared to be a perfect fit for him, so he slipped it onto his finger and...

"Wahhh!" he cried out as his body began to change. He went to take it off, but saw in the mirror that his body was becoming more feminine. He allowed it to continue as it changed him - long hair grew out, breasts formed on his chest, he shrunk in height, his waist thinned, and, beneath his boxers, his cock and balls retracted into a neat little pussy. He stood there, staring, awestruck for several moments. Then pinched his dainty new forearm to see if this was a dream. The pain confirmed that it was not.

Looking into it, he found stories online of a legendary "Ring of Turan" that could cause this change. He read up on the risks...notably, that it would become permanent if he got pregnant...and began spending nearly all of his time alone as a woman. He made do with his crossdressing clothes until he could order some online, but it had long been his dream to go shopping as a woman. Finally, he was making that dream into a reality.

As Lacy, she spent hours in the store, and spent far more money than was reasonable, but she was having the time of her life. Dresses, skirts, blouses, bras...she tried all sorts of styles, brands, colors, and combinations. It was everything she always hoped it would be.

While checking out, she was questioned by the clerk about the name "Lance" on her credit card, but thought quickly and said "that's my husband, he doesn't trust me with my own". Sexist? Sure. But it worked. As the clerk scanned item after item, Lacy looked behind her to see a tall, handsome man waiting to check out with a couple of shirts. She had trouble tearing her eyes away from him...and the tingly sensation from earlier returned, but this time, was focused in a couple of very sensitive areas...

"Can't give in..." she mumbled to herself as she carried away her newly purchased clothes. She remembered from the stories about the ring that the temptation to sleep with a man would grow and grow. She had to make sure she was ready before making this permanent. That evening, she made an appointment with a psychologist, went to it (as Lance), got a "body dysphoria" diagnosis, and was allowed to update her identification. Now legally "Lacy", she could wear the ring full time and, when the right guy came along, make this permanent...

1 comment:

  1. Great story and beautiful model! Sort of wish it was me that had this fortune!
