Monday, May 13, 2024

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Sisterly Treatment


"Hey..." Sasha began as she walked into her sister Maddy's room and then quietly closed the door behind her. "You know how you said if I needed advice on anything, I could come talk to you..."

Maddy, laying on her bed browsing her phone, quickly tossed it aside and sat up excitedly. "Oooh, I love girl talk! I'm so glad I actually have a sister now..."

Sasha rolled her eyes and then sat down next to Maddy. "I've been, really horny today..."

"Have you been, yanno, taking care of yourself like I told you?" Maddy interrupted to ask.

"Ugh, yes..." Sasha answered, mildly embarrassed. "But that isn't working today. It's like..." She trailed off as Maddy jumped and looked at her calendar.

"'s been about two weeks since your period, right?" Maddy asked. Sasha grumbled something under her breath and then nodded. "So you're probably ovulating. That's a whole different kind of horny..."

"What do you mean?" Sasha asked.

"Well, it's like, your body really wants you to get pregnant during that time. So like, just 'flicking the bean' or using a vibrator or the shower head won't cut it. Still feels good, but doesn't satisfy you enough," Maddy explained.

"Soo..." Sasha began, waiting for a solution.

"Sooooo, call up a guy friend and get laid," Maddy replied very matter-of-factly.

"Ewww! What the hell Maddy? I've only been a woman for like a month! I'm not ready to have sex!" Sasha fired back. "And I don't even know what guy I'd call...a lot of my old friends have been kind of gross and..."

"Well, which one turns you on the most?" Maddy asked, sitting back down. "Who gets you all tingly and wet?"

"Gross..." Sasha said, rolling her eyes and turning away.

"What? That's what happens. Better get used to it..." Maddy countered.

"I guess...maybe Hank..." Sasha finally answered.

"Hank...oh, your friend Heath's older brother? Yeah, he's pretty cute...he didn't shift, right? And you'd think he'd be into it?" Maddy asked. Sasha nodded. "Alright, call him up. Do a video call so he can see what you're offering."

Sasha was blushing...but horny enough to try it. "I'm in like my pajamas..."

"Guys think that's sexy. You're all, comfortable and still willing to call," Maddy explained.

With a deep breath, Sasha stood up and began the video chat. "Hey hey, Sammy! Or...what's your name now?" Heath asked as he answered.

"Uh, Sasha," she replied, suddenly having second thoughts. "Do you want to, like, get together later, maybe..."

"She wants to wet your dick!" Maddy called out as she jumped up and lifted Sasha's shirt, flashing Heath. 

"Oh my god, you bitch!" a horribly embarrassed Sasha shouted as she pulled her shirt back down.

"Haha, wow," Heath said as a deeply blushing Sasha thought about what to say. "You know, I've got my place to myself right now...why don't you come on over?"

Sasha felt a number of conflicting sensations...but finally squeaked out an "ok, I'll be right over".

As she hung up, she went to chew Maddy out, only for Maddy to toss her a condom. "I don't need any nieces or nephews, got it?"

Sasha paused as she looked at the foil-wrapped item in her hand. "I hate you for that...but...thanks..."

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