Monday, May 27, 2024

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Crawl


Lucas had no idea what had happened. One minute, he was sitting in his college class. The next, he was here... Blazingly hot, bound, gagged...and in a woman's body. He twisted at the ropes on his wrist to no avail, then tried to call out but was muffled by the gag. Panic and desperation setting in, he gave the wall a few kicks, trying to get someone's attention. 

Trying to stay calm and think, he looked around the dark space, just barely able to see anything. Between the walls and the hollow, metallic sound his kicks made, he knew that he was likely in a storage container. He had heard that they were used by human traffickers... and given his bound female state, he suspected this woman was a victim. Sweat pouring off of him, he knew he wouldn't last long in this heat, so he had to try something else. Desperate, he managed to sit up, then started crawling to what he believed was the door to the container...

Long strands of sweaty hair dangled into his face and neck. He felt the swaying of modest breasts on his chest as he scooted along, the tight feeling of a bra holding them aloft. At the door, he stretched out his petite feet and began kicking while shouting into the gag. He had no idea what had happened. How he apparently switched bodies. How and why this woman was bound up in this container to begin with. He didn't know who would come to the door...if anyone came at all... But at this point, he didn't care. He'd face whatever came next, but he convinced himself that he would not sit back and roast to death in this box...

Finally, there were footsteps. Finally, the lever on the door creaked open. Finally, there was a gust of fresh air that swept in...

1 comment:

  1. interesting little story would be curious to see if theirs a part two of this short caption if you plan on expanding upon it
