Monday, April 1, 2024

The Great Shift - Animated GIF - My Hands Are Tied


"Deb, these conversations are never easy..." Sam began as he motioned for his employee to sit across from his desk. 

"You're letting me go, aren't you?" Deb asked, still standing.

"The company is moving in a different direction..." Sam started to reply.

"Oh bullshit!" Deb interrupted. "The company just posted record profits! And..." she trailed off. " said if I did that thing, you'd protect me..."

Sam scoffed. "Well, I'm sorry, my hands are tied..."

It may have been the most ironic statement uttered anywhere in the world right before the Great Shift.

Suddenly, Sam found himself in the back of a van, two rough looking men seated on either side of him. His mouth, wrists, and feet were all taped. He barely had time to even recognize that he was in a woman's body before the commotion around him started.

"¿Qué demonios? ¿¡QUÉ MIERDA!?" the driver suddenly called out while swerving erratically then slammed on the brakes.

"¿Rodrigo? ¿Cambiamos?" one of the other men called out to the driver.

"¿¡Pandilla roja!? ¿¡Qué truco es este!?" the other rough looking man behind Sam shouted. He pulled out a gun, causing Sam to crouch down as low on the seat as he could go. The other two men started shouting, then multiple gun shots rang out from each direction.

Ears ringing, Sam slowly sat up to see that all three men had been shot. Heart racing, he tried to free himself from the tape, but could not. Luckily, he wasn't bound to the van itself and managed to scoot to the door. With some effort, he managed to slide it open...where he immediately fell to the ground. Dusty desert stretched in every direction as far as he could see. He had no idea what had happened, but suddenly found himself as a bound woman thousands of miles from home. Was this woman a victim of human trafficking? Someone that crossed a cartel? Just unlucky?

Adrenaline kicking in and forcing him to focus on survival, he crawled around to the driver's door and managed to climb up. However, a bullet had passed clean through the dash and was preventing the van from starting (not that driving it so bound up was really an option). After searching for and failing to find something to cut the tape, hot desert sun beating down, Sam knew he'd have to make a crawl for his life...

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