Monday, December 4, 2023

Swap Clinic - New Job


"So, you become a woman and your job is now to get pregnant over and over again?" Ted texted his long-time friend, Seth, who now wanted to be called "Sadie".

"It's called being a surrogate, and yes, pretty much," she replied.

"You know I'm not transphobic or anything. I'm fine with the whole woman-swap-thing. But this new 'job' thing is...weird," Ted responded.

"I've always wanted to be a woman, and doing this means I basically got to swap for free. Now I get $50k per pregnancy, plus expenses covered, and I don't have to actually work! I sit at home playing video games most days while I grow life inside me. Then I give birth, the baby goes to happy parents, I have a period to recover, then I repeat. It's awesome!" Sadie replied.

"I guess..." Ted wrote back, still unsure about the whole thing.

"Plus, I get to do this for a while after the birth..." Said wrote. A few seconds later, a video came in showing her squeezing milk out of her swollen breasts.

"Holy shit dude! Are you sure you want to be sending that?" Ted, mildly embarrassed but also intrigued, wrote back.

"Look, I know you're into this sort of thing and, well, with my hormones going crazy all the time, I could use a trusted guy friend to help me out with certain things..." she replied.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" an increasingly intrigued Ted responded.

"Come over now and help me drain these things. We'll see where things go from there," Said answered.

"OMW!" Ted hastily replied before rushing to the door.

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