Monday, October 9, 2023

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Gamer


Brooke was at her wit's end. She loved her husband, Mark, and knew that he loved her too, but the man was obsessed with gaming. Every spare minute of every day was spent playing and it was starting to dull the spark of their young marriage. Worse, Brooke had a healthy sex drive and Mark had the biggest cock of any guy she had ever been with...if only she could get him to use it. Finally, after putting on some sexy lingerie and trying to lure him into bed, they had a big blowup fight. "You love those games more than me!" she screamed and cried. He tried to console her, but he ended up sleeping on the couch that night. (Who are we kidding, he sat up all night playing...)

After a terse next morning, Brooke came home from work that evening with a pamphlet and an ultimatum. "Swap Therapy?" he asked, reading the pamphlet that she slammed down on the coffee table in front of him.

"That's right, we're going to 'walk a mile in each other's shoes', literally," she explained. "It's this or I throw your console out the window and walk out." She added as she pointed to the door. "I have needs, and you're going to see what it's like. To have the desire, see how strong it is. And you'll be lucky when I help you sate it." 

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Mark agreed, and the two were soon swapped. Unfortunately, it didn't have quite the effect Brooke was hoping for...but it was still an improvement. It seemed that her healthy sex drive was psychological, because it transferred with her into Mark's body She was always getting horny and hard while Mark rarely wanted to have sex. However, the two found a middle ground where Mark could relieve her without taking his eyes off of the screen...

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