Monday, September 18, 2023

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Manly Hobbies


It was a great night out for Sandra. Her favorite team won, she got to drink beer and eat wings at her favorite bar, she got to hang out with all of her friends... and no one ever would have guessed that, until a month ago, she was a guy named Scott.

Nearly everyone in Scott's life was shocked when he became a woman at the Swap Clinic. "But you have manly hobbies! You like sports! You camp and hike and fish! You drive a pickup truck!" And yes, all of those things were, and remain, true. There is nothing saying you have to be a man to enjoy any of that, after all. 

Most people in Sandra's life adjusted relatively quickly, even if there were still some awkward moments. His friends were some of the slowest, however. "We like to get out away from the women in our lives..." one of his married friends explained. "If other women see you with us, it'll be harder to pick them up..." one of his single friends also explained. 

"But I've always been a woman on the inside," Sandra explained right back. "I'm still me, the same person who was always sitting here with you. I just changed how I look on the outside to how I feel on the inside."

Though slow, they eventually made the adjustment.

"Hey, I'm going to grab a beer from your fridge!" Sandra's single friend called through the closed bedroom door. 

As she pulled her jersey over her head, she admired her reflection for a moment. Hopefully her single friend would admire her new form just as much when she headed out there to make a different kind of "adjustment" to their relationship...

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