Monday, September 4, 2023

Good Gurls Rehab - Animated GIF - Success Story


"Holy shit, that was amazing..." Will said from the bed, still naked under the covers, watching as Angela popped up and started to dress.

"Hmm, you're welcome," she replied with a smirk as she slipped into her black panties and the picked up her red bra from the floor.

"Do you have to go already? I think I could do a round two..." Will asked, lifting the covers to his side, inviting her back into bed.

"Sorry, can't, need to run to a tutoring session and then I have my afternoon classes and then I have to TA for some night classes..." Angela explained as she slid her bra up her arms and hooked it into place.

"Maybe uh, after that then? I mean, I've got nothing better to do..." Will asked again.

"After that, I'll need my beauty sleep," Angela replied, picking her dress up from the floor and wincing as she noticed some wrinkles.

"Maybe tomorrow then? Or the day after?" Will pleaded. "Or...literally any time. I would drop anything else I'm doing to have some more..."

"Alright, dude, chill," Angela cut him him off in a very masculine cadence as she stepped into her dress. "It was a fun little hookup. I'm sure there are some other GGR girls on campus who need to sate their dick cravings you can fuck. I need to focus on my schoolwork and side jobs. If I keep improving, they'll give me some physical upgrades. I'm ready for something better than these B-cups and I'm not going to get that if I keep wasting time with a boy like you." She walked to his bedroom door and slipped into her high heels. "Don't be pissed. Like I said, it was fun. I might look you up next time I need a lay. But if you get all clingy or stalker-y, that definitely won't happen," she added before heading out.

Angela was formerly Aaron, a guy who never imagined that he'd be a woman, much less that he'd actually be enjoying his time as a woman. As a senior in high school, he got a little too handsy with a drunk girl at a party. Nothing happened beyond that once he realized that he was drunk, but a few witnesses told her about it the next day and she told her lawyer father who came hard after Aaron. Only the school's deal with Good Gurls Rehab saved him...although it didn't feel that way at first. He'd have to spend the rest of his last year at high school and all four years of college as a woman, the first two of which would be under GGR's restrictive "probation rules" meaning dresses/skirts, bras, heels, hair/makeup done, etc. He wasn't thrilled, but it seemed better than risking prison time...

To the new Angela's surprise, she came to love being a woman. While other students were notably wary of her at first, she quickly proved to be more popular (among girls and guys) that she had ever been before. Now in her third year of college, the probation rules no longer apply...but she continues to follow them anyway. She is also eligible, with good behavior, for "upgrades" that she is very eager to receive. At this point, everyone who knows her doubts that she will go back one her sentence is up...

Angela is yet another GGR success story.


  1. I have to be honest here. I do not understand how being transformed into a pretty girl could ever be conceived as a punishment. The truth of the matter is that the new girl will from the be able to get anything she wants, and more importantly, never be held responsible for anything ever again . (The drunk girl in this story is a perfect illustration of that point).

    1. The idea is that it would be a punishment, at least outwardly, for men who do not want to become women. Many of my early GGR captions are to that effect, though admittedly, I find stories where the guy either wanted to be a girl all the long or comes to like it/learns the advantages to be more fun to write, so they've trended that way.
      Think of the biggest, douchiest, alpha male bully at your school. Imagine him getting in trouble for something and being turned into a girl as punishment. That would seem like a terrible punishment to him.
      Most of us (the people who write and read stories like this) certainly would not find that to be a punishment.
