Monday, August 28, 2023

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Unlocked Phone


"Oh...oh ho..." Lydia mumbled to herself as she moved around after putting on the new sports bra her mother brought home for her. "Definitely feels better...hmm..."

She pulled out her phone and set it up on her bedroom desk. She started recording a video, then jumped a few times and gave the bra a few tugs while recording. Since it was too hard to see how much her boobs were bouncing in the mirror while she was doing the bouncing, a video would give her a better view. "Oh yeah, that's much better," she said to herself as she watched the video. Satisfied, she pulled a t-shirt from her closet, slipped it on, and went on with her day.

Unfortunately, her jealous twin sister-turned-brother, Peter, saw her phone still sitting on the dresser as he went to walk by. Peter, formerly Paige, was once the "hot chick" at their school. The Great Shift put her in the body of the school's janitor, while it shifted Lydia (formerly Lucas) into the gorgeous body of one of Paige/Peter's rivals. Losing years of his life and becoming a man made Peter bitter and spiteful of the new Lydia. 

It wasn't helping that no one wanted anything to do with Peter back at school, while Lydia was suddenly very popular. (Her refusing to wear a bra for the first week didn't help matters, either.) Finally, after enough unwanted attention from the boys (and girls-turned-boys) at school, Lydia asked her mother for help and agreed to wear a sports bra. 

Peter picked up Lydia's phone and realized that the camera was still up, meaning the screen was unlocked. He smirked and watched the "bouncing" video she just took, then forwarded it to his own phone. Out of curiosity, he opened her gallery and noticed that this was far from the only video she had taken of herself "trying things out" in her new body. These videos would be very popular at school...perhaps enough to make Peter popular once again as well...

While Lydia would need to learn a harsh lesson about phone security...

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