Friday, December 31, 2021

Will You Press the Button?

You've likely heard of the game "Will You Press The Button?". You are presented with a button. Two things will happen if you press the button - one good and one bad. Well, below you get to play...but with body swapping!

To play, go to this Random Number Generator to get a number for 1-10. That number corresponds to one of the below female bodies. That will be your new body, however...

You must then go to this Random Letter Generator to get a letter from A-Z and match it to the below list. This represents the "bad" thing that will happen.

Post your number and letter in a comment below, then indicate whether or not you'll "Press the Button". Good luck!


  1. I got 2S, and I don't like it, but I'll probably still press. Wigs are a thing, and I feel like I'd still be more attractive as a bald woman than I am now lol

  2. 10M. I would really consider not passing the button as I could be in a very sexual relationship.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 3U
    Well, I don't know how I feel about being incontinent, but an otherwise good body.

  5. 10H.... I'm pressing that button!!!!

  6. 5V....could have ended up way worse, so yes. I'm pressing the button!

  7. It's a shame there's no "You get fitted with a permanent chastity belt which can never be removed". Such option would be even better than Z ;)

  8. 1s
    A woman cannot go bald :p
    I will press the button.

  9. 10Y. Keep pressing that button until it happens!

  10. Permanent period bleeding would be even better!

  11. 6T vicarious action and pleasure!?
