Friday, February 12, 2021

The Great Shift - Naked and Afraid


"HEEEELLPPPP!" Randy shrieked in a high-pitched, feminine voice. "HEEEELLLPPP!!" he tried again, only to be met with his own echo bouncing off the walls of this concrete cell. Moments ago, he was sitting in traffic on his commute to work. Then, everything went black and, a split second later, he found himself in this dimly lit, damp, chilly a woman's body...chained to a metal pole with only a blanket on the floor. 

"HELP! HELP ME! HEEELLLLPPPP!!!!" he shouted over and over until his throat was hoarse. "What the fuck...what the fuck...GOD DAMMIT HELLLPPP!!!" Tears flowing down his face, he pulled at the chains but everything held tight. Then he began sliding them up and down the pole, looking for any sign of weakness, but it was all quite firm. 

"Oh god...what is this...what is happening..." he said to himself as he fell to his knees and began to cry. 

Little did he know at this time, but he was one of billions of victims of what would come to be know as "The Great Shift"...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a situation! Let's hope that whoever is responsible for doing this is one of the ones shifted and can be brought to justice when the new person in their body discovers Randy.
