Monday, October 5, 2020

The Great Shift - What Are the Odds?


"Oh fuck, oh Jesus...this is so wrong..." Jason said through a grimaced face. "Ohhh, I'm not supposed to have to be feeling's soooo wrong...." he continued, legs awkwardly spread, until the tampon was finally in place. Letting out a sigh of relief, but quickly moving a hand to his abdomen as a cramp shot through, he looked up into the bathroom mirror. "What are the fucking odds?" he grumbled, seeing his sister's face looking back. Not only had the Great Shift put him into her body, but she had just started her period as well. Adding to the unfortunate nature of the situation, she did not end up in his body, and whoever did fled almost immediately. He also couldn't get a hold of his mother with cell service down, and she hadn't come home yet. When he finally leaked through the tampon that was already in, he knew he had no choice but to muddle through on his own. He only hoped that this whole thing would be reversed soon...


  1. Oh the trials and tribulations of learning to be a woman

  2. At least he knows she didn't disappear because she was pregnant, I guess?

  3. I will have no problem with this "problem", it is just part of being a woman. As far as I'm concerned, it certainly won't stop me from becoming a real woman forever and irrevocably, preferably a (light) chubby, curvaceous, fertile, attractive, shapely, plump, busty Asian woman with long, dark hair!! - Tom -
