Monday, March 16, 2020

Note from the Author - Stay Safe from COVID-19!

I hope everyone is staying safe out there with COVID-19 shutting things down. My workplace has gone “Work From Home” full-time for at least the next month, which is the arrangement I had with my previous employer and lends itself really well to writing captions😜

In order to keep all of you in similar situations (or god forbid, actually quarantined) entertained, I’m going to up my caption output as much as I’m able for the next little while. I have a few ideas for some more interactive games once the Swap Brides are finished posting, so be on the look out for those as well. If there is one from the past that you really liked and want to see something similar, mention it in the comments below and I'll see what I can do.

Anyway, here's a topical bonus caption for today:


  1. I'm really into "unwilling milf" captions, especially experiencing menopause and other 'womanly drawbacks.' The college professor interview swap, and the runaway Swap Institute captions come to mind. All the best, stay safe!

    1. The MILF captions are always pretty popular. I'll see if I can come up with a few more.
