Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Interactive Swap Sign-Up - SWAP ORDER BRIDES WANTED!!

Are you tired of your current life? Is your current body not exactly what you desire? Would you like to live in a new, gorgeous body with your only concern to be pleasing your partner?

If you answered "Yes!" to any or all of these questions, then you might be a candidate for the Swap Clinic's brand new "SWAP ORDER BRIDE" program! Now, you've heard of the classic "mail order brides", usually Russian or from a southeast Asian country. Well, we at the Swap Clinic want to bring that outdated idea into the 21st century!

If you sign up, you will be matched with one of our wealthy clients who is seeking a new wife. You will, free of any charge to you, be transformed with Swap Clinic technology to become your new partner's dream bride. All potential partners have been thoroughly background checked and each has put up $100,000 as collateral that will be paid to you in the event that they fail to comply with the terms of the marriage. These terms include no abuse besides consented BDSM, no wife "sharing" without your explicit permission, requirements of appropriate housing, food, clothing, and other amenities, plus other common sense rules to keep the arrangement mutually beneficial.

Do not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to change your life for the better. Sign-up below with whatever name you'd like me to use for you in the captions, and I will post your "Swap Order Bride" story within the next couple of weeks!

This is first come, first serve, so sign-up quickly and don't miss out! We have 10 open slots in our first run of "Swap Order Brides", do not delay!


  1. I would love to sign-up and become a swap order bride

  2. I'd love to sign up! I'm called Dylan.

  3. Hi there! Still love your work so very much, and I absolutely adored the requested caption that you created for me “GGR - Sent for Rehabilitation”

    I’d also love to sign up for the Swap Order Bride! I’m not sure if you need the need the Male or Female name, but I’ll send both just incase! I go by Kayla, now, though prior to my transition I was Ben Young šŸ˜Š

  4. I’d love to sign up. I’m Owen.

  5. I'd like to sign up I'm shay

  6. I would like to sign up, my name is Ryan

  7. sign me up please and use the name George and from the captions iv requested before i think you'll know what type of body id like, but hey i get what i get

  8. Hell yeah! My name is Bert, and I'd love to be a swap order bride

  9. I'd love to sign up! I'm Jessie

  10. I would love to be Daniel, you can use the female variant

  11. Don't know if there is still room, but I'd love to sign up if there is. My name is Alex.

    1. I've decided to expand to 15 for the initial batch, so you're in!

  12. I am Dominic i would like to swap

    1. I've decided to expand to 15 for the initial batch, so you're in!

  13. I'd love to sign up, I go by Jordan

    1. I've decided to expand to 15 for the initial batch, so you're in!

    2. That's fantastic news, I can't wait. I also hope whoever gets my body in the swap enjoys it as well

    3. Was there any other information you would like?

    4. Nope, they're coming out in the order people applied, so you'll be #13.

  14. You already know I’d like to sign up :) - Isaac

    1. I've decided to expand to 15 for the initial batch, so you're in!

  15. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just to add, I see it as a way of getting out of school,work, and importantly debt. I'll sacrifice my youth and dick for an easier life. It'll be weird adjusting to whatever I become.

  16. I would love to sign up for the bride swap could I be a pregnant bride? Male name tom female name Elle

  17. I would so love to sign up to be a Swap Order Bride. I go by John.

  18. Hello. I would like to sign up. My name is Harry.

  19. I would like to sign up too. My name is Jake.

  20. Wow! There is some serious interest in this one! I'm going to take the first 10 applicants for this batch, but if it goes over well, you can be sure I'll do another! Look for those starting next week!

    1. I'll be on the lookout, bummed I missed this one but hopefully next time

  21. Would Love to as well I know you said only 10 but maybe in future

    My name is David

  22. Would love to be a sensetive busty redhead, I am jony

  23. I would like to sign up call me Luis

  24. Ooooh please pick me my name is Matt. I just found your blog

  25. Yes please, I would love to sign up! My name is Jerome!

  26. I wouldn't mind getting in on this. Sign me up! The game's Zack.

  27. I'd love to sign up for a swap, my name is Peter.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
