Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Great Shift - Sexual Tension

1 comment:

  1. It had been 4 days after the great shift Ashton did not like the name that came with her body of Lisa so she changed her name to Ashleigh. It was easier for Dave to move over to Ashleigh's apartment then the other way around also the Spanish speaking woman that now had Ashton's body came back seeing she did not have a visa to leave the country seeing the government made it mandatory any one effected by the great shift if they wanted to leave the country needed a visa and she now Ashton could not get one. A week later an old man in a scooter came to the apartment demanding his or her body back because this was Lisa. Ashleigh and Dave told the old man to leave and never come back. he did not and Ashleigh had to have the old man arrested under the new law the owner of the new body was the keeper not the original person. but on the good note Dave asked Ashleigh to marry him and the two moved to another state so the old man could not follow.
