Saturday, September 7, 2019

Really Behind on Requests...

If you've made a request at any point and haven't seen it yet, don't worry! I haven't forgotten or ignored you. I'm going through some major life changes (nearly all positive!) but they are really cutting into my free time. I barely have time to keep up my usual captions, much less find specific images for requests (especially series requests) and then write them. I'll try to get to them all as I'm able, but it could be a while. I've been trying to pick off quick, simple requests that provide an image or I know have an image already which will work.

Anyway, please be patient if you've made a request and I hope you'll continue to visit to enjoy all of my other captions!


  1. I never thought u forget my series request. I just thing good things while longer. And i just am hyped for it ^-^

  2. Hello Erica .
    We are running a body swap Discord group for captions if you join the group it will be our pleasure .
    Here's the invitation
