Monday, May 13, 2019

Role Exchanger - POV Tattoos and Boobs


  1. Hi Erica! Very new to your work but I must say, I am already a MASSIVE fan! You are an excellent writer and focus on a few themes I love- Unwanted changes and how the victims process and cope with them. I also adore your choices in models and images- feminine but very "real" women. You might find some of my work to be along these lines, at (Not trying to self promote, just thought you may be interested)

    Would love to chat sometime if you were interested!

    1. Hey Hannah, thanks for the kind words! I am indeed a much bigger fan of "real" women than the classic pornstar types, so I definitely tend toward their images. I've also added your site to my blog list, hope it sends some more eyes your way. Thanks again!
