Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Great Shift - Choose Your Shift #02

Choose Your Shift #2

It is a typical day in your life. Perhaps you are at work, or school, or hanging out with your friends/family/significant other. Whatever the case, everything suddenly goes then open your eyes to find that you've been affected by the Great Shift!


Scroll down and find your birthday month to see the body you've been irreversibly shifted into...


Please leave a comment on how you feel about your new body!






  1. Looks like I have a lot of pretty beads to go with my beautiful breasts. I hope that man means no harm, festivals can be a dangerous place for beautiful women who are there alone

  2. Interesting set-up. Nice selection and variety. I kind of liked the first one, many tangents to go from from there. First visit the closet and then find out who is at the door. I did not care for some of the situations, but that is just me. Or it being almost 6am and my coffee is cold all ready.
