Monday, October 28, 2024

Halloween Horror - Could Have Been Way Worse...

 This one goes out to Superbenbat, hope you enjoy! Had to tweak a few of the details as I only do 18+, but I think I captured the same spirit of the request. (Plus I got to flex my non-TG writing muscles!)

Halloween Horror - Lighten Up

 This one goes out to Sharon, hope you enjoy!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Throwback Sunday - "Horror" Throwbacks!

 Starting off "Halloween Horror Week" with a set of "Horror" captions from years past. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Good Gurls Rehab - Animated GIF - Futile


"It's futile, you know," Maggie announced/gloated as she walked in her brother-turned-sister Masie (formerly Mason). "One more slip up and it's another year added to your sentence. And I'm going to make sure I report anything I see."

Masie just ignored her, focusing on applying her makeup despite her..restriction

"Did you hear me? Another year! And then you'll be on like triple probation! You might never go back to being a guy!" Maggie, irritated at the lack of response, continued. "Your drool is going to mess up your makeup and probably stain your dress! That's a definite violation! Hey!" She moved right up next to Masie.

Masie capped her lip pen, gave glancing side eye to her sister, and then went to leave the room.

"Why aren't you pissed off!?" Maggie finally shouted in frustration. Masie stopped, briefly turned toward Maggie, gave a feminine shoulder shrug, and then continued on.

Mason was your classic high school jock. A multi-sport star with the cliched "all the girls want him, all the guys want to be him" in full effect. After making his way through several of the most "popular" girls in his class, word got back to one of their fathers. Despite her being fully consenting, she played the victim card to get out of trouble and her father, a lawyer, did everything he could to take Mason down. They went to the other girls he slept with and, despite all being fully consenting, a few were willing to say otherwise to save their reputations. Mason was looking at expulsion and legal trouble on top of it...had their school not signed a deal with Good Gurls Rehab. 

Mason would now be "Masie" for the next five years, essentially his last year of high school and all four of college. But he had no choice...

Maggie loved to see him suffer. The shy, artsy little sister, she wanted to see her new "sister" (and all men really) taken down a few pegs. She would sneak into Masie's room and tighten all of her bras. She'd put Masie's "air dry only" dresses into the dryer so that they'd shrink. She even took all of Masie's tampons and pads out of her purse during her first period. But somehow, Masie took it all in stride and avoided breaking any of the rules of her GGR probation, driving Maggie crazy.

Finally, Maggie resorted to drastic measures. She swiped Masie's phone and made a whole bunch of posts to her social media accounts blasting GGR and saying how awful it was to be a woman. When Masie's probation officer found out, he ordered that she be "gagged" for a week. Despite being completely innocent, Masie knew that protesting wouldn't help her cause, so she again accepted this punishment.

As Masie walked out of the house...bra too tight, dress too small, drool dripping from her gag...Maggie gave chase and started shouting. "Listen here you fucking cunt! You need to suffer! You need to learn your lesson! I'm going to make sure of it! I'll make it look like you broke all of the rules, just like I did on your phone! You'll be a woman for the rest of your fucking life if I have anything to do with it!"

Maggie realized moments too late that, standing just a few feet ahead of Masie, was Masie's probation officer. "Well..." he began, crossing his arms while Masie shot her sister a sly look. "Impersonation? Tampering with a patient's punishment? Those are serious offenses..." He scanned a stunned-silent Maggie up and down. "You know, GGR takes in female patients as well. Let me guess... you're the 'artsy' type? Loose clothes? Bralette? No makeup? Well, with your admission of guilt, I'm going to enter you into the program as well. I'm thinking... the 'Barbie Doll' treatment. Dyed blonde hair. Daily makeup. Pink dresses. Push-up bras. Frills, lace...high heels..."

" no...No! I wasn't...I was only joking! I didn't really..." Maggie stammered.

"Yep, one year of that," he confirmed then looked toward Masie. "As the victimized party, do you accept this treatment as punishment?" Masie eagerly nodded. "Good, then it's settled. And oh, let's get that gag out since you weren't actually in violation of your probation..."

After taking a moment to stretch her jaw, Masie turned toward her trembling sister. "You're going to pay for fucking with me..."

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Throwback Sunday - Guide to the Great Shift

 A very oldie-but-goodie fan favorite. Had to dig deep into the archive for this one, hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Sales Partners


"Why so glum?" Val, in the white top, asked at their celebratory dinner. "We're back on the road, killing it, making even more sales than before..."

"The world is different," Kay, in the purple top, replied. "I'm in Lauren's body, she's now an old man, my parents are in bodies even younger than mine... It's just hard to focus on work right now."

"Take a bite of your steak, take a sip of your wine, and just...let go for a little bit," Val encouraged.

"Lauren had been a vegetarian for like eight years. That steak looks and smells so good...but I'm not sure it's going to agree with me. That burger at the client lunch sure didn't..."

"You did look awfully cute eating it, at least," Val teased. "Such a refined-looking young woman...going full carnivore on a big sloppy burger...mmm..."

"Heh, if you say so..." Kay began...then felt Val's foot rubbing against her leg.

"Come on, I have another idea for a way to celebrate..." Val started. "Who knew stick-in-her-butt Kim from accounting was bi- and so horned up all the time? Sure surprised me when I landed in her body... Now, I've got a raging lady boner right now...let's just try it out...back in my room...champagne...get out of these work clothes after a long day..."

"Val, I don't..." Kay paused as Val's foot ran along the hemline of her skirt.

"I know it's tough," Val continued. "That's your fiancee's body. You probably still feel protective over it...but it's yours now. I'm sure it has needs. And that old man's body that she's in can't be meeting those. Give me a shot...if you don't like it, we'll never bring it up again. If you do, well..." 

Kay shifted in her seat, unable to hide how much Val was turning her on. "I just...feel bad for Lauren..."

"You haven't done anything since the shift?" Val asked, already knowing the answer. Val shook her head. "A month in that amazing body with no release...let me help you out with that..."

Kay picked up and quickly chugged the rest of her wine. "Ok, fine, yes, I'm about to burst... I'll worry about the guilt later..."

Val sat back and smirked. "Let's take this little celebration back to my room, then..."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Throwback Sunday - Costume Party

Throwback to a costume-themed series with Halloween Horror Week coming up. (Make sure to get your requests in!)