Monday, October 14, 2024

Great Shift - Animated GIF - Sales Partners


"Why so glum?" Val, in the white top, asked at their celebratory dinner. "We're back on the road, killing it, making even more sales than before..."

"The world is different," Kay, in the purple top, replied. "I'm in Lauren's body, she's now an old man, my parents are in bodies even younger than mine... It's just hard to focus on work right now."

"Take a bite of your steak, take a sip of your wine, and just...let go for a little bit," Val encouraged.

"Lauren had been a vegetarian for like eight years. That steak looks and smells so good...but I'm not sure it's going to agree with me. That burger at the client lunch sure didn't..."

"You did look awfully cute eating it, at least," Val teased. "Such a refined-looking young woman...going full carnivore on a big sloppy burger...mmm..."

"Heh, if you say so..." Kay began...then felt Val's foot rubbing against her leg.

"Come on, I have another idea for a way to celebrate..." Val started. "Who knew stick-in-her-butt Kim from accounting was bi- and so horned up all the time? Sure surprised me when I landed in her body... Now, I've got a raging lady boner right now...let's just try it out...back in my room...champagne...get out of these work clothes after a long day..."

"Val, I don't..." Kay paused as Val's foot ran along the hemline of her skirt.

"I know it's tough," Val continued. "That's your fiancee's body. You probably still feel protective over it...but it's yours now. I'm sure it has needs. And that old man's body that she's in can't be meeting those. Give me a shot...if you don't like it, we'll never bring it up again. If you do, well..." 

Kay shifted in her seat, unable to hide how much Val was turning her on. "I just...feel bad for Lauren..."

"You haven't done anything since the shift?" Val asked, already knowing the answer. Val shook her head. "A month in that amazing body with no release...let me help you out with that..."

Kay picked up and quickly chugged the rest of her wine. "Ok, fine, yes, I'm about to burst... I'll worry about the guilt later..."

Val sat back and smirked. "Let's take this little celebration back to my room, then..."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Throwback Sunday - Costume Party

Throwback to a costume-themed series with Halloween Horror Week coming up. (Make sure to get your requests in!)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Halloween Horror Week 2024 - Coming Soon!


It's getting to be that spooky time of year, which means Halloween Horror Week is right around the corner! I have plenty of ideas, but if there's anything you'd like to see, please submit a request! All usual request rules apply, but have fun with it to make it something truly scary!

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - The Cavalry


"Wait! Wait!" Crystal pleaded as she was led into the manager's office by her leash, hands bound. "This isn't what I signed up for! I'm supposed to be a 'transport' girl only!"

The manager pulled out a gag and moved to put it into Crystal's mouth. "Read the fine print of your contract, babe," she began as she inserted the gag. "We can 'call up' any girl on the roster if there's greater than usual demand. We just got a surprise bachelor party and they want to do a lot more than ride around in chariots. Don't worry, you look lovely, you'll do just fine..."

As she grabbed Crystal's leash and led her toward the bachelor party waiting in the lobby, Crystal was filled with dread. She knew something like this was a possibility, but couldn't believe it was actually happening...

Formerly Chris, he badly wanted to be a woman but couldn't afford a good body at the Swap Clinic. However, there were some "sponsor" programs in place to help guys like him. They'd pay for the swap, then he'd work off the debt on weekends at the sponsor's business. Being a ponygirl at a "brothel farm" didn't seem like to bad of an option, so Chris agreed and soon became Crystal. Being a woman was everything she had hoped, though every weekend for the next two years would be full of hard work.

"Alright boys, I've called up 'the cavalry', haha," the manager joked as she led Crystal into the room. "This one has never been worked in this way, so be gentle with her, would ya?"

Crystal swallowed hard as the guys from the bachelor lined up for turns with her...

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Swapped at Birth - Octoberfest "The Good"

It's that time of year and who doesn't love a pretty woman in a dirndl? The first of a little series...enjoy!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Good Gurls Rehab - Animated GIF -

 Animation isn't normally my cup of tea, but these two images really appealed. Hope you enjoy!

"Tee hee... that's him over there..." a couple of girls from Naomi's class giggled as they passed her in the locker room before Phys Ed. 

Naomi could feel all eyes upon her... Until a week ago, she would have killed to be in here around all of the girls changing clothes. However, now that she's one of them, it's a little less thrilling...

Nick had a knack for technology from a young age. As he got older, he learned it could be pretty profitable too. Other kids would pay him to get into their parents email to delete certain ones sent by the school, to change grades in the system, to reset their absences... Nick could do it all. 

One day, the school's hottest girl, Christa, accidentally left her phone behind. Nick long had a crush on her, but she was the type who wouldn't give him the time of day. He knew she was dating another boy from school and decided to break into her phone to see if she had ever sent him any illicit images...and she definitely had... Nick sold access to the photos and many other boys, and even a few girls, were interested. He made a fortune...but also got the attention of the staff. Christa and her parents were outraged and wanted him expelled. However, the school had just made a deal with Good Gurls Rehab and offered to send Nick there instead.

Now "Naomi" for her senior year and at least the first two years of college, she felt incredibly awkward. It was like the other girls in the locker room were staring at her, just waiting for her to begin to strip...which she eventually did, pulling her uniform top off and revealing her enormous, bouncing breasts in a navy blue bra.


The bra was to come next and the other girls kept watching...likely waiting to comment and tease on what they saw. Naomi unhooked it and slid it down her arms...

...and smirked. The other girls...her guy friends...they could all make fun of him. But she had unrestricted access to an amazing female that the guys (and some of the girls) would kill for. It just so happened that it was now her body...which wasn't really a bad thing - playing with such large breasts and other sensitive parts was a thrill. Sure, there were downsides and discomforts...but as far as punishments go, this one wasn't so bad...

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Throwback Sunday - Choose Your Shift #3!

Throwing back to an old, old, old "Choose Your Shift" series. Whatever day your birthday falls/fell on this year corresponds to the body you get below. Enjoy!