Monday, September 11, 2023

Medallion of Zulu - Animated GIF - Pushed His Luck...


House-sitting for his rich neighbors was already an awesome job for Daniel. Their place was huge, they had a massive TV, a pool, and a whole "game room" in the finished basement. It didn't hurt that they were the parents of Natasha, his crush at school, either. He got up close and personal with her bedroom, her underwear drawer, the vibrator hidden in a box beneath her bed...

So it was an awesome bonus when he stumbled into the legendary Medallion of Zulu. With unfettered access to her clothes, he could become a copy of her and remain that way all while they were gone. He experienced every inch of her body and was always disappointed when he had to swap back before the family arrived home.

This trip was a little different than the others, however. They left at the last minute with some apparent urgency. Daniel thought maybe a relative was sick or something, but didn't care too much as it meant getting a bonus weekend in Natasha's form. After making himself a dinner and masturbating for the fourth time in her body, he climbed into her bed and went to sleep.

He awoke in the middle of the night to the feeling of tape being placed forcefully over his mouth. He jumped up and tried to scream, but it was to no avail. He thrashed and tried to run, but a pair of men in black masks easily overpowered him, forced him down onto the bed, and bound his hands and feet. 

"I can't believe he fled without taking his daughter..." one said to the other.

"Send him a picture of her from the burner," the other replied. "He'll send the money back in no time if he knows we have her."

Daniel twisted and tugged at his bindings, but couldn't break free. The man took several pictures and then sent them.

"Oh shit, he responded," the man said as the 'ping' of a new message came in. "Nice try, that really does look like her, but Natasha is with me and we're long gone. Good luck fuckers..." the man read the message. The two men both looked down at Daniel, who could only look up with terrified eyes.

"Well, she ain't going anywhere, let's loot the place for anything valuable," one began. "Then we'll have some fun with her...maybe she'll be worth something to the boss."

The other man let out a low grunty laugh and winked at Daniel. "We'll be downright gentle compared to what the boss' whores go through..." He smacked Daniel's ass as the two walked away to start stealing things.

Daniel, nearly in tears, shouting into the tape, bucked and squirmed, but the tape held tight. It seems he pushed his luck a little too far this time...

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