Monday, August 21, 2023

Swap Clinic - Animated GIF - Superheroine Proportions


"What the...fuck..." Iris, normally Ian, complained as she struggled to zip up her Black Widow costume. "I was...very specific...with the measurements..."

"Oh, uh...that's my bad," Jason, dressed as Hawkeye, muttered as his eyes were transfixed on Iris' heaving chest. She looked up at him with an annoyed glare. "The measurements seemed a little small, so I wrote over the 'C' to turn it into a 'D'...then added another 'D'...on the form after you went into the swap chamber."

"What the fuck dude!?" Iris chastised him. 

"We need that prize money!" he fired back. "Getting in shape to look the part hasn't been cheap for me, and you need it to pay for the temporary swap. You know the kind of competition we have, you need 'superheroine' proportions!"

"It's not going to matter if my costume doesn't fit anymore!" she countered. "God damn it're lucky the payout for winning the competition is huge..." She went back to working the zipper and finally got it up over her massive bosom. "Ok, good..."

Then the zipper broke open...

1 comment:

  1. Iris should've gone as Scarlet Witch! I know I would have.
