Saturday, June 5, 2021

Ring of Turan - Relief


1 comment:

  1. Brilliant cap!
    Can you do a mini series of a nameless guy (can tell it in 1st person pov) who is fascinated by women peeing. He gets an ability to possess people so decides to possess some women as they go into the ladies room.
    He experiences sitting to pee in several ladies bodies including a pregnant woman and really enjoys the experiences.
    He ends up masturbating and enjoys a powerful female orgasm whilst in the ladies room. The sound of other women peeing in the next stalls, and having recently experienced the same thing tipping him over the edge.

    The finale is him realising that both peeing as a girl and cumming as one is so much better. Having a vagina is clearly better than having a dick and he needs to somehow keep one permanently....
