Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Good Gurls Rehab - A Valuable Lesson

1 comment:

  1. About nine months into Kevin's GGR as Karen, She went out with the other girls from the office to a Hen party for another co-worker and it turns out it was to a Chip-n-Dale's show Karen got drunk and horny and before she knew it she went home with one of the bouncer's where he made a real woman out of her. Now being a GGR Karen had had her periods but did not put any effort into protection seeing she was only going to be a girl for one year and was not planing on having sex with any man period. By the time of Karen's rehab was over she found out she was 3 months pregnant, this made the rehab permanent Karen got the promotion and raise and knew in 6 months she would be leaving on maternity leave she had been seeing the bouncer ever sense that Hen party she even had the guy move into her big condo. They were both so happy that he asked her to marry him and Karen had her Hen party at the same strip club
