Friday, July 31, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Medallion of Zulu (GIF) - Home Early

"Fuck, fuck, oh shit...stupid stupid!" Ryan mumbled as he rushed down the stairs, clothing in hand, modest breasts bouncing within his bra cups with each step. Finally at the back door, he dropped the clothes and rushed to dress.

"Kimber? Is everything ok?" his best friend Quinn's father called out from the top of the stairs. Ryan wasn't sure that he was seen, but knew he needed to get out. Dressed just barely enough, he quietly slipped out the door. Once to the sidewalk and around the corner of the block, he froze - he realized that he left his own clothes in Kimber's room...along with the medallion...

Ryan, an 18 year old high school senior, found it a few days ago among some old junk cleaned out of his late grandfather's basement. Looking it up online to see if it was worth anything, he discovered that he had found the legendary Medallion of Zulu. After reading about how it worked, he knew just what he wanted to do with it...

Skipping school, he went over to Quinn's house. His parents were at work while Quinn was at school, giving Ryan free reign over the place. Ryan went to Quinn's old sister Kimber's room, who was a college sophomore going to school several hours away. Some of her old clothes were still in her room and Ryan wanted to use them to change. He stripped out of his own clothes and placed them on the foot of her bed. He put on the medallion, then slipped into a white bra and panty set he found in her dresser drawer. The change was instant and, turning toward the mirror, saw Kimber looking back.

Before he could explore too far, however, he heard the front door unlock and open. Peering down from the top of the stairs, Ryan saw Quinn's father enter, apparently home very early from work. In a panic, Ryan grabbed an armful of clothing and a pair of boots from Kimber's closet, then rushed down the back stairs to the backdoor. Unfortunately, Quinn's father heard the commotion.

Now Ryan would need to find a way to sneak back in, get his clothes and the medallion, then change back...

Monday, July 27, 2020

Swap Clinic (GIF) - Contract Extension

Sabrina, formerly Scott, thought that she had it made. Badly wanting to become a woman but unable to afford it himself, Scott used the Swap Clinic's "Swapifieds" section to find a donor. Generally, a contract was struck with a donor, pledging one's service to them for a certain period of time in exchange for them funding the swap. Scott found a donor named Todd quite easily. Todd, awkward but with a well-paying job, was basically looking for a live-in girlfriend for the next two years. He chose the traits Scott would receive, the new name of Sabrina, and paid for the swap. Sabrina basically got to sit around Todd's fabulous apartment playing video games all day, taking breaks to masturbate. When it came time for Todd to arrive home, she would put on some sexy clothes, prepare a dinner, and greet Todd at the door with a long kiss. After dinner, she'd relieve Todd's "stress" in various ways. It was a very enjoyable arrangement for both. With one month to go in her contract, Sabrina was eager to get out on her own. She enjoyed her time with Todd, but it was time to experience more. Then, Todd was arrested. It seemed that he was skimming some of the company's money and he had been caught. Many of his possessions were seized to pay back what he stole, including his contract with Sabrina. She was not happy about being sold at auction "like a piece of furniture", but had no choice in the matter. Sleazy looking men bid her up, and up, and up until one finally won her. "At least it's only for a month..." she thought. However, her new "owner", Max, decided to spring a "behavior" clause in her contract that Todd never bothered with. Any misbehavior would lead to extensions of Sabrina's contract. Failure to look presentable, failure to obey orders, property damage...all would add to her sentence and, of course, Sabrina struggled. Max was an aggressive lover, and Sabrina's initial resistance to please him got a week added to her sentence. Max also liked to keep her bound and gagged like a slave, leaving her to feel humiliated. A stain in her blouse added another day, a run in her stockings added two...Sabrina's contract just kept getting longer. Finally, through perfect obedience, she managed to enter the final three days, which matched up with a long weekend for Max. Pulling her around on her leash, Max got a phone call. He chained her up in her slave quarters and left to finish the call. Sabrina could only sob and try to beg through her gag when she heard Max say that he would need to leave for a one week business trip. In his hurry to leave, Sabrina was left tied up. She cried and sniveled, trying but failing to escape. Drool dribbled down onto her lingerie, which would certainly be a violation. Soon, the call of nature would come as well. "How much would 'messing' on the floor cost her?" she wondered...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Empty Nester

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Cal Narri, hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - The Big One

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Ginny, hope you enjoy!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Luck with the Ladies

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Tyler, hope you enjoy!

Swap Clinic - Cocklessness

Was feeling very melancholy when I wrote this. A bit of a sadder tale...

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Streamer Relief

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Ace, hope you enjoy!

Underground Swap Clinic - Permanent Lactaction

There have been some requests for more "unusual" feature swaps. Consider this one of them!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Rural Revenge Plan

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to mellowfellow, hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Family Minded

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Marti, hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Quite Easy Abroad

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Jordan, hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Ring of Turan Series - Social Life

This is part of our "So You've Found the Ring of Turan..." series. It goes out to Guiomar, hope you enjoy!

Swap Clinic Scratch and Dent Sale - Full Series!

This is our full Scratch and Dent series, hope you've all enjoyed! Be sure to keep an eye out for our next interactive series!