Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Great Shift - MILF Shift!

In honor of Mother's Day, this weekend is "MILF Weekend"! All captions will feature MILFs, Matures, and Moms.
You have been struck by the Great Shift!
Scroll down and find the image that matches the first letter of your first name. The corresponding body is the one you've been irreversibly shifted into.
Please leave a comment on which body you got and how you feel about it!


  1. I ended up with Madison. Not too bad, but I would have none of these Ladies if given the choice. I could do a lot with Madison. At least I am not too short or have large, plastic breasts. Plus the bi-leaning could be a perk.

  2. I got Gloria. This is definitely a win for me. She is lesbian, has big boobs and powerful orgasms. Wow, I'm lucky.

  3. I got Vivian. Pretty ok with that!

  4. got maureen definitely not bad for her age i consider it a win
